港澳印尼移民工網絡 16/3日聲明
這城的冷漠, 殺人於暗角 印尼姊妹Elis不治離世
Innalilahi wainna ilaihi rojiun
Passed away today March 16, 2015 approximately at 6:18 PM at the hospital youth Nethersole hospital Chai Wan, friends and our friends Elis Kurniasih.
我們的姊妹,Elis Kurniasih,在今天,2015年3月16日約下午6時18分於東區尤德 夫人那打素醫院不治離世。
We are a large family of Hong Kong and Macau JBMI express its deepest condolences and hopefully late getting the best place beside Allah SWT. Hopefully the family left behind is always steadfast and be patience.
港澳印尼移民工網絡就此表達最深切的哀悼。祈望Elis可釋勞於主懷。寄望她的家 人可節哀順變,堅定面對。