編按: Elis的死不是意外。她被迫居住在中介公司環境惡劣的宿舍裡,威脅其生命,被大廈落下的石屎擊斃。現中介公司的說法是企圖把其置移民工安全於不顧的過錯推至大廈管理方,以逃避責任。縱觀主流媒體亦有意無意略去事件裡中介公司、僱主和雙方政府的責任。以下文章正能清楚說明他們對Elis死亡應付的責任。
Elis didn't just die. She was killed.
elis 並非只是死了,她是被殺的。
Elis was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Not because she agreed to be there but because she was forced to stay there.
To begin with, it was the anti-poor government of Indonesia and its labour export programme that brought Elis in that place at that time.