In-media與嶺南文化研究系碩士課程合辦的新媒體與社會改革定在世貿會議前夕, 很多準備於世貿會議期間作民間報導的國外團體紛紛主動接觸, In-media自己還未公佈會議詳情和公開註冊, indy-media 那邊已開始幫我們宣傳...
不過, 在世貿前搞, 也嚇怕了一些對 wto 沒有鮮明立場的媒體, 早前 Global Voice Online 就以為我們是 indy-media 的分站, 而覺得無計傾 (幾經朋友澄清才知道我們並非國際獨立媒體中心的分部); 而 Ohmynews 本來打算來參加會議的, 最後亦退卻, 因為很多自主媒體都批評 Ohmynews 的商業模式使它失卻獨立性. 事實上有一些參與者質欵我們為什麼要請 Ohmynews, 我們的回覆是, 所有成功的東西, 都值得去學習 ! 很可惜, 即使我多番遊說, Ohmynews 到最後都決定不來了...
Indymedia center:
Trade ministers, NGOs, and social movements are all converging on Hong Kong, China, for the 6th Ministerial meeting of the WTO
(World Trade Organization), which will take place from December
13-18th, 2005. A network of movement activity is bustling, with hubs
including the Hong Kong People's Alliance on the WTO [en | chinese] and the Stop the New Round Coalition (SNRC), among others.
and small farmers from the Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand,
and Korea are getting organized to come to Hong Kong, mobilize against
corporate globalization and present alternative proposals. Conferences,
cultural events, mass mobilizations, and direct actions are being
planned between December 11th-18th, with the majority of activity
during The People's Action Week, opening with a Public Assembly of the movements on the 13th and closing with a mass march on the 18th.
momentum has increased with a string of strategy meetings and
declarations by Asian regional NGO and social movements, including the Colombo Declaration
in June: "We, workers, organized and un-organized, peasants, dalits,
indigenous peoples, fisherfolks, women, students, migrants and other
marginalized communities of Asia in solidarity with other peoples of
the world will stand at the forefront of the global struggle against
the Hong Kong Ministerial Meeting."
Media activists will also be
arriving from around the region and across the world to hold workshops
and skillshares, to strategize together, and to plan independent
coverage of the mobilizations and events in Hong Kong. The media
conference and workshop is called New Media and Social Transformation.
The major purpose of the conference is to have more in-depth discussion
on the independent media movement in Asia, and plan possible long-run
collaborations. However, a workshop will be organized for independent
reporters to cover the WTO, and a sharing and exchange workshop will be
organized by the end of the WTO mobilization. Here is an update of the New Media and Social Transformation conference plan . [inmediahk site in chinese].