Hello Sir,
Earth’s Magnetic field is a proof that the central core of Earth does NOT move.
It is the relative movement between Earth’s outermost crust(spinning) and the non-movement of the core that produce Magnetic field.
Presumably, the rotation of outermost crust is weaken when passing through each layer of Viscous molten material, thus the outer layers of molten crust is moving along with the outermost crust. Due to Viscosity that each inner layer is slower than outer layer, and eventually the innermost layer is stationary.
In according to Einstein’s ‘Theory of Relativity’, the relative motion between the outermost crust and slower inner crust, as well as the relative motion between outermost crust and immovable core produce Magnetic field. It is as if the outermost crust is stationary while different inner layer of crust is rotating backward. As we go further inward, the relative movement compare to the outermost crust become greater. Thus we can predict the contribution of Magnetic field is greatest in the innermost core, and the strength of Magnetic field is reduce further outward.
Moreover, in according to my hypothesis on ’spinning object reduce its weight because of Magnetism‘, the molten crust couldn’t contribute too much since its electron is free to move in any direction. i.e . Some electrons may move along the spinning of outermost crust, thus cancelling any relative rotational movement between electrons and outermost crust. While the inner core, although it is further, should contribute more since it is immovable. Therefore would produce greatest relative rotational motion between electrons and outermost crust.
In according to this hypothesis, Earth’s Magnetic polarity should be explainable by fluid dynamic of a liquid of high Viscosity. The reason that Earth’s Magnetic poles reverse once a period is similar to a ball spinning while floating in the air(via Magnetic repulsion). It would first rotate in one direction, gradually slow down; then rotate in the opposite direction. The magnitude of each rotation would be liken a slightly damped oscillation. And in the case of Earth’s spinning, the inner molten crust take the role of air. The friction of the molten crust first slow down the spinning of outermost crust, then eventually turn its rotation in opposition direction. Thus Earth’s Magnetic should be gradually weaker in one direction, then gaining strength in another direction.
This is written as a sequel to ‘Why Earth’s Magnetism?’
The basic thrust of the last article is that the relative rotational movement between Earth’s outermost crust(plates) and the molten crust is the cause of magnetic field.
First, the spinning of Earth along the orbit is likely the result of process that led to the formation of Earth. So the rotational kinetic energy is really the source of Earth’s magnetism. Second, the strength of Earth’s magnetism is too weak if all molten crust is moving in the direction. Third, from common sense, the outer
Consider a ball rotating in the air: First it would gradually slowing down in one direction, then it would spin in the opposite direction; and the process go on indefinitely. And in each iteration, the speed of rotation would be slower than previous iteration.
Now suppose that ball is spinning in the vacuum, then the ball, in principle, would spin forever. When the ball is made of viscous liquid, then there will be a difference of rotational speed at different depth. If this viscous liquid is made of ion, then by Einstein’s theory of relativity, the difference of speed of rotation would be experience as magnetism.
To test this hypothesis, we only need to compare the direction of spinning of Earth and the direction of magnetic pole. Magnetic pole is known to gradually relocating, if my hypothesis is accurate, then this could be explained by the fluid dynamic of the molten crust. Moreover, as the molten crust is slowly solidify due to heat lost by radiation, we would expect a relationship between change of strength of Earth’s magnetic field and the absolute temperature of Earth.
要驗証這假說,只要量度地球磁場強度是如何隨箸與地心距離愈少而減弱﹐是否合乎岩漿流動的相對速度及含鐵量,理論上當然是愈近地心,地磁愈來愈弱; 另一個推論就是地磁應和地球自轉的方向有關,想像一個於真空旋轉的液體行星,要是沒有外來的力距,它的最外層會先向一個方向旋轉,慢慢遲下來再向另一方向旋轉,如此類推,但是由於能量守恆,旋轉的角動量必然愈來愈低,所以過往地球應有無數次地磁逆轉及地磁減弱的記錄,即地表剛誕生時應為最強,之後隨箸岩漿冷卻和凝固,相對旋轉運動愈來愈遲,最後完全凝固時失去地磁。