
Wal-Mart's Culture of Crime and Greed

Wal-Mart會把它的亞洲區總部搬到大陸, 這企業在美國可謂臭名遠播, 它的員工連基本的醫療保障都沒有, 但在大陸形象卻頗正面. 香港有一團體T-bag也有監察Wal-Mart的企業操守, 有興趣可以看看.

這篇文章則節錄自Alternet, 當中提及Wal-mart跟中國軍方和高層的關係:

The Beast of Bentonville (better known as Wal-Mart) is grappling with a spate of management dismissals and investigations over the past few months that appear rooted in internal petty thievery. But rather than a few bad apples being rooted out, it's clear that crime, greed, wrongdoing, malfeasance and cronyism are deeply embedded in the Wal-Mart business model. Indeed, Wal-Mart could not survive without manipulating the system and breaking the law...


Wal-Mart is facing the largest gender discrimination lawsuit in history--involving 1.5 million women. I hear the company is deeply engaged in talks to settle the case for obvious reasons: it's guilty as hell. The depositions in the lawsuit, detailed in Liza Featherstone's new book, Selling Women Short, make it crystal clear that the company, as a matter of policy, consistently broke the most basic laws of workplace equality.


Not enough? Workers have been illegally fired for trying to form a union, and Wal-Mart spends millions to thwart workers' basic rights, giving its union-breaking staff priority on resources (like corporate jets) over even higher-placed managers. In 2000, meat cutters at a Wal-Mart in Texas voted for the union--and Wal-Mart promptly violated the law by shutting down the meat-cutting department in the store and, for good measure, closing every other meat-cutting department in 180 other stores, just to make sure they had stamped out any smell of unionism. Even the National Labor Relations Board--no friend of labor--saw through the company's actions and charged the Beast with illegal behavior.


And, to top it off, the Beast's business model could not operate without the connivance of the authoritarian regime in China. You probably never heard of a guy named Wang Jun, but he's one of Wal-Mart's main men in China. Aside from being involved in a company called Poly Technology, which is the weapons-trading arm of the People's Liberation Army, Jun runs a Chinese state-sponsored investment company and ensures that Wal-Mart's wishes are known and satisfied by those running the Communist Party. In China, Wal-Mart has a ready supply of underage children and under-waged adults to produce its products. The point here is that Wal-Mart is no free-market miracle: Its profits are a result of an artificial suppression of wages. Wal-Mart could not operate in a truly free market--if such a thing even existed. Instead, Wal-Mart is in cahoots with the Chinese government, raking in profits by condoning the violation of basic international labor standards.