
Urgent: Report of Missing Demonstrators to HKPA for Legal Assistance緊急:徵求失踪者名單 聯席協助法律支援

Urgent: Report of Missing Demonstrators to HKPA for Legal Assistance緊急:徵求失踪者名單 聯席協助法律支援

由於12月18日凌晨被捕示威者眾,外間無法確認被捕者身份以作法律援助。民間監察世貿聯盟(HKPA)現正向各反世貿團體及個別人仕呼籲,如有同伴於當晚失去聯絡並懷疑被捕,請即向HKPA 提供有關資料(包括失蹤者姓名、國籍、所屬組織名稱及聯絡方法),以便向警方查核跟進。


Urgent announcement at 11pm, 18 Dec 05

Due to the large amount of detainees are
unable to be identified by the outside world for legal assistance, the HKPA is
now calling for help to comply a list of missing persons in related to the
demonstration on 17th December. Please provide detailed information
of the missing persons, including their full names, nationalities, affiliation
and ways of contact, so that the HKPA could provide legal assistance.

Tel: (852) 28319837

Fax: (852) 28319835