Date: April
Venue: inmedia office - 9th
Floor, 365 Hennessy Road, Wanchai
Time: 7pm
Enquires: (sexpress)
/ 21470788
About the forum
In response to heigtened media
scandals and moral conservatism, the talk introduces do-it-yourself media and
porn movements as examples of contemporary digital artistry and experimentation.
The talk will show examples in photography and video, arguing that making and
consuming DIY porn, or having intimate sex on camera, can benefit
A scholar, artist and activist Katrien Jacobs is assistant
professor in digital media at City University of Hong Kong. She has lectured and
published widely on digital media, art, pornography and censorship. She has a
Ph.D. degree in comparative literature and media, with a thesis on 1960s/1970s
body art. She is the author of "Libi_doc: Journeys in the Performance of Sex
Art" (Maska, 2005) and "Netporn" DIY Web Culture and Sexual Politics" (Rowman
and Littlefield, 2007). Her work can be found at