按:胡錦鑄和小泉會面,理應是近日中國反日浪潮的重頭戲。中方露出了底牌,除了繼續空洞地要求日本以史為鑑之外,最突出的反是要求日本不要支持台獨。於此,所謂對日問題上的 "中央總體部署",已經昭然若揭。這場久違了的 "民間自發" 反日運動,實在離不開 "反分裂法" 所舖展的 '反台獨' 首務。事實上,中國官方對真正由民間發動的對日索償運動,從頭到尾都沒有支持過,甚至多加壓制。為細菌戰受害人索償的運動,進行了多年,他們唯一的支持者,其實只是日本方面的和平運動活躍份子。這項運動的代表團團長王選更擔心,今天中日關係變壞,對她的案件可能更為不利。見今日南華日報的報導:
Mainland lawyer Wang Xuan (王選) says she does not consider herself a political activist. But as a legal representative for mainland victims of Japanese biological warfare research experiments at a time when bilateral relations are at their lowest point in more than 30 years, her work is as political as it gets.
Ms Wang is trying hard to build support for her case, which is due to be heard in the Japanese courts in the autumn. Her hopes have been dampened, however, by a Tokyo judge's rejection on Tuesday of a similar case brought by victims of Japan's wartime actions.
"Given this ruling and the current diplomatic situation, it is quite possible our case will also be thrown out," she said.
A linguist by training, the 52-year-old became involved in the case in the early 1990s, after she read that some mainland farmers were planning to sue Japan for experimenting on bubonic plague in their village.
They were from her home town of Yiwu in the coastal province of Zhejiang . She later discovered that an uncle had been one of the victims of the Japanese tests.
Mainland estimates say that as many as 300,000 people died in the experiments, in which whole villages were exposed to various pathogens, such as bubonic plague or cholera, and then monitored for their effects. However, as most of the relevant documents were either burned or taken to Japan, the real figure remains unknown.
Ms Wang said the central government was not keen on the idea of her reopening old wounds when she first approached it about the case in the mid-1990s. Renouncing all demands for state-to-state war reparations was one of Tokyo's conditions for establishing diplomatic relations in 1972.
"If I was being charitable, I would say the Chinese government did not understand the idea of an individual pursuing such a case," Ms Wang said. "At that time, the rights of the individual were still new to China. However, I also heard that given the economic relationship between the two countries, and since many officials were privately benefiting from it, there were people who did not want me to upset the status quo."
Prohibited from even forming a pressure group, Ms Wang has relied on the help of Japanese peace activists and donations from mainland individuals. Asking for help from the mainland authorities, she says, would be pointless.
"We have been pushing for years for our government to conduct more open research into the war but they won't," she said. "Until recently, Chinese newspapers would not even report on our case."
What is needed, said Ms Wang, is an airing of historical facts. Last Sunday's suggestion by Japanese Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura that a joint committee be established to explore wartime history might go some way towards achieving this.
Benjamin Robertson in Beijing
王选:对日军细菌战控诉整八年 矢言绝不半途而废