It has been a piece of horrible news, at least for me and many others who care about our genuine Chinese cultures.
From the petition:
'Simplified Chinese...... fails to incorporate meaning into its characters. Many words of same phonetic sounds are replaced by a single character that possesses the same sound but lacks in meaning. The major downfall of Simplified Chinese is that it lacks meaning. Currently, historical texts are in Traditional Chinese, (simply because one can read and understand based on the author’s choice of words) however, if Traditional Chinese is to be replaced by Simplified Chinese, one would not be able to understand these texts/writings because words have lost their meanings, they simply represent a way of pronouncing the texts. As time progresses, this would result in the lost of history and culture.
UN's action to "unify" the Chinese characters and recognize ONLY Simplified Chinese will have devastating impact upon the Chinese language, culture, history. Internationally, Traditional Chinese would be forgotten and neglected, it would only be a matter of time before Traditional Chinese becomes the next “Latin”. (the dead language) Along with this lost of language, would be a culture and histories lost forever.
Although Simplified Chinese is an easier way to learn Chinese, but it should not be the only form of Chinese written language. It should be a convenience, not a absolute. By allowing it to become the “official” writing, the Chinese language would be in regression.'
Some responses: '不想讓未來的中華孩子連傳統書法之美都無法感受。繁體字才是正統。' '繁體字是一種文化的象徵,當然不能刪掉!' '繁體中文很美, 聯合國你不去了解一種文字的重要性, 憑什麼移除它的位置. 繁體中文可以分成六書, 以下由 "" 節錄:「古人將漢字的構造規律歸結為六種條例,稱為「六書」,即象形,指事,會意,形聲,轉注,假借。」'
Please help by signing it, even if it may not change the mind of some butt-kissers of PRC in the international stage of politics. PLEASE, before it's too late, fight for our own rights! Sign, or sigh!
Sign before it is too late or sigh after our own languages and our precious Chinese culture is totally dead. Simplified Chinese is not Chinese. (Just like Mandarin / Putonghua is not a synonym of Chinese, I will fight with my life to stop Cantonese from being marginalised.)