New Café Salon in July: Youth Love vs Movie 青年‧戀‧電影
We are glad to hold a café salon called “青年‧戀‧電影” on 15th July, 2005. We are honored to invite Mr. Chan Hing Ka [陳慶嘉先生] who is a script writer of various famous films and columnist on MingPao to be our distinguished guest. An interaction between youth love and movie is the focus of this salon. Mr. Chan will try to analyze this topic by using a film script writer’s perspective. Since vacancies are limited, and this event is expected to generate vigorous response, interested knights please send your registration via as soon as possible.
地點:Kubrick bc library (Shop H2, Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, Yau ma tei, Kowloon , Hong Kong)百老匯電影中心側