Lately, there are quite a few public policy discussions that drew the attention of conservative religious groups in Hong Kong. The discussion became very heated and it has prompted some questions on the role of religion in the public space. In the West, something else has prompted similar discussions. In the UK, and now in Canada, some Atheist groups have organized an advertising campaign to promote the awareness of Atheism. With the slogan, "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life", the campaign has stirred up quite a few heated debates and questions about religion and morality. Check out this panel discussion, which started as a debate on the ad campaign but ended with a debate on the role of religion and morality.
Advertising Atheism:
Robert Buckman, president emeritus of the Humanist Association of Canada, an oncologist at Princess Margaret Hospital, and the author of Can We Be Good Without God, and Biology, Behaviour and the Need to Believe.
Jordan Peterson is a clinical psychologist, a professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto, and author of Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief. Visit his web site.
Kathy Shaidle is a religious writer and blogger.
Justin Trottier is president of the Freethought Association of Canada, and executive director of the Centre for Inquiry.
Gretta Vosper is chair of the Canadian Centre for Progressive Christianity, and the author of With or Without God.
Also check out an interview with Richard Dawkins, the Charles Simonyi professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford, and the author of "The God Delusion":