When I was studying in USA, I observe that the dramas and movies are dominated by male themes like violence, causal sex. What sadden me is in a society which has a long traditional of gender equality; while in the Television, not just male is evaluating female via external qualities like looks and body but female is also portrayed as evaluating male in the same way male evaluate female. It appears to me that female is losing their femininity in their quest to become equal with male. Why is not the other ways around given female usually has longer life than male?
I remember how shocked I am when I realize that female has a different cognitive process in evaluating their suitor. The first time I seriously considering the possibility that internal qualities like personality, intelligence, sense of humor, wealth could be attractive in the same sense that external qualities like bodies and looks attractive to male. It appears to me that the process for male probably bear a closer relationship with sexual arousal than female. How is the alternative process possible? How is the process different from that of male?
In any sense, it would be of value for male to learn from the way which female choose their suitor. It appears to me that external qualities of anyone only hold their charm for relatively shorter time compare to the charm of internal qualities to female. Therefore, it sadden me much to see how the whole US society
is turning everyone into animal of sexual arousal, but care nothing about Philosopher. So USA culture only concerns about how to get the other sex to agree to your proposal of marriage; but not the content of the marriage.