岑:與妻分隔3年 內心每刻願望回家共度時光
I am writing to express myself for the mitigation of HCCC70/2022 which I’ve pleaded guilty. Upon voluntary, I have been placed under solitary confinement since I was taken into jail custody, taking this as an opportunity to invest my time mainly on reflecting on myself and reading various aspects of materials.
Prior to my arrest, I had been a political activist for years, with self-perceived goals of creating a more just, egalitarian and liberal society and political institution. Upon painstaking reflections however, I figured out some underlying causes of my political participation were not as bright as they may appear to be. I was a person filled with anger, worse still, anger sometimes evolved into hatred or resentments, which occasionally fuels or drives my political acts, rhetorics, and utterances.
During the past years, I became gradually aware of these aims with various philosophical, historical, literary and some spiritual readings and most importantly, with the love of my wife, I gradually realised that anger, not to mention hatred or resentment, could lead the world and myself to absolutely nowhere, at least nowhere bright, shining, constructive or loving.
Upon deep reflection, I denounce the action undertaking at the material time, including but not limited to my participation to the scheme. I understand that had the budget been vetoed, the so called political means, not only the people’s livelihood and performances of the duties and functions discharged by the HKSAR government would be seriously interfered in, destructed, undermined, and hence endangering national security, also place nowhere near, if not further away from the aforementioned political vision. As such, I denounced the actions and utterances I had done, not merely because it breaches the law, but equally importantly, it was not made out of purely good and constructive intentions, I am deeply regretful and remorseful of that.
I would also like to apologise for the harm to public, especially for the great social political risk and ruptures created, I acknowledge my actions and utterances contribute to that and I deeply apologise. Moreover, having been quite an influential figure and district councillor at the time being, the public has placed hope upon me to serve the public. Not only did my action contradict with that purpose, since I was remanded in jail, I have not been able to continue to serve the public. To those who looked up to me as responsible public figure, I have let them down, and for that I am deeply remorseful, regretful and deeply apologetic.
Having been separated from my lovely wife for more than 3 years, my love did not fade gradually with the passage of time, but became deeper and stronger bit by bit daily. She has been my motivation of reflection, living and reform. The greatest wish at every single moment in my mind now, is to return to the home my wife and I build together, and to spend all my time with her. This is all this reckless and foolish man can return for her for her unconditional love and support, although the sorrow, pain and loneliness I brought to her for these years could never be compensated.
I understand that I committed a serious crime. I understand that an imprisonment with substantial length is inevitable, and I am willing to accept all the consequences brought about by my wrongful act. I just humbly pray the sentence would not deprive me of the opportunity to perform penance for my family.
毛孟靜獲石禮謙撰求情信、盼與夫度餘下時光 何啟明為高尚目的犯案
岑敖暉求情信稱與妻分隔愛意未減 每刻最大願望回家共度時光
辯方指譚得志屬「其他參加者」 已退出人民力量、無機會重返政壇
胡志偉獲前黨友兼局長張炳良、羅致光撰求情信 稱胡溫和理性務實
黃之鋒無撰求情信、望本案後重新開始 辯方指屬「積極參加者」
辯方:譚文豪已離政壇 盼追回與子女相處時間
辯方指李嘉達為改現況參選、回看屬錯誤 難再任社工將另覓方法服務社會