與香港其他大學有別,《中文大學規程》載於香港法例第1109章《香港中文大學條例》附表1,屬條例其中一部分[2]。因此,(按其規程民選組成的)香港中文大學學生會(及按其規程民選產生的會長)事實上與教務會等機構並無二致,其權力乃直接源自香港法例,性質等同法定機構,無需更不應被迫註冊為社團。事實上,香港法例第151章 《社團條例》 第2(2)條及附表1第5段規定,該條例不適用於「任何依據或根據任何條例或其他適用於香港的法例組成的 ... 組織」。
另外,上文提到學生會會長屬教務會的當然成員。根據普通法,就一個行使公權力的法定機構或委員會而言[3],其成員憑藉其職位(by virture of his office)即有法律權利參與該機構或委員會的會議,或索取有關該機構或委員會會議的文件[4]。此權利受法律保障[5],特別是當有關成員是經民選產生。原則上,任何對此等民選代表成員正常行使職能的限制,都應獲法律明文授權,而且無論如何必須受最嚴格的審視,以確保有關限制具最充分及最令人信服的理據支持[6]。如有關限制出於懲戒或懲罰的目的,尤其是以行政安排的方式作出,則很大可能因越權而非法[7]。
「... 決定 ——
(i) 是否容許教務會的學生成員及教務會所設立的委員會及其他團體的學生成員參與會議中審議保留事項的部分;及
(ii) (如他們被容許參與)他們參與的方式」。
艱苦奮進,困乏多情;朔月無光,夜聚繁星。謹此致敬朔夜 Syzygia - 第五十一屆香港中文大學學生會幹事會候任內閣 。
[1] 「中大就學生會幹事會當選內閣的聲明」。
[2] 參見Matheson PFC Ltd v Jansen [1994] 2 HKC 250 (HKCA) at 257F-G per Penlington JA, citing A-G v Lamplough 1878 3 Ex D 214 ('... The Schedule is as much a part of the statute, and is as much an enactment, as any other part').
[3] 如參見Bennetts v Board of Fire Commissioners of New South Wales (1967) 87 WN (Pt 1) (NSW) 307; Molomby v Whitehead & Australian Broadcasting Corporation (1985) 63 ALR 282 (FCA)。
[4] 參見R v Birmingham City Council, ex parte O [1983] 1 AC 578 at 593D-594A per Lord Brightman:
'The general principle must be, that a councillor is ENTITLED BY VIRTUE OF HIS OFFICE to have access to all written material in the possession of the local authority of which he is a member, provided that he has good reason for such access ... In the case of a committee of which he is a member, a councillor as a general rule will ex hypothesi have good reason for access to all written material of such committee. ...'(强調後加);
R v Hackney London Borough Council, ex parte Gamper [1985] 1 WLR 1229 at 1240G-H per Lloyd LJ (as Lord Lloyd then was), approved in John Moffat v Eden District Council (unreported, EWCA(Civ), 8 November 1988):
'... [T]here is no logical distinction between access to documents and attendance at meetings. ...'。
[5] R v Broadland District Council, ex parte Lashley (unreported, QBD, Westlaw transcript, 16 June 2000) at 37, affirmed in R v Broadland District Council, ex parte Lashley [2001] EWCA Civ 179:
'The councillor's membership of committees and sub-committees and his right of access to meetings of those committees or sub-committees of which he is a member are protected by law ...'。
[6] ibid at 40 ('... [A]nything which fetters the otherwise appropriate activities of a democratically elected representative must ... be subjected to the most searching and rigorous scrutiny and is something which requires the most cogent and compelling justification ... [and possibly] express statutory authority ...').。
[7] ibid at 39 ('... “[A]rrangements” or “instructions” which sought to impose on a particular councillor or councillors specific restrictions more onerous than those imposed on councillors generally might very well be ultra vires, particularly if imposed for disciplinary or punitive reasons')。