姚安娜最近宣布要進軍娛樂圈,她唯一能拿得出手的就是芭蕾,但哪怕是沒專業判斷力的人,也能看出她跳舞時四肢的各種不利索,而且她體型比一般舞蹈員大了幾個碼。姚安娜曾經表演過的一支舞,Balanchine的 Theme and Variations, 美國70年代的著名舞蹈家Gelsey Kirkland也跳過,網上有人把姚安娜和她的表演比較 ,差別簡直大得不能更大。
所謂「台上一分鐘,台下十年功」, 姚安娜可能不知Gelsey Kirkland苦練芭蕾的過程, Kirkland 對細節的執著也恐怕是姚安娜望塵莫及的。Kirkland曾特別雇用名師給她指點,她嫌她脖子不夠修長,老師說問題不是她脖子生下來不夠長,而是她脖子下方的肌肉太繃緊,導致她抬頭比較吃力。她就去練習放鬆脖子的肌肉,一段時間後,她抬頭時用的肌肉更分散,脖子就變美。老師還批評她臉部肌肉太繃緊,所以跳舞時看起來神色凝重,影響了整體美感。老師叫她平日多搖動她的耳朵,這樣她臉部肌肉更能鬆下來,臉蛋看起來更明亮。
“The emergence of extreme and dangerous domestic terrorist activities from the police confiscation of automatic weapon and home-made bombs to the frequent illicit use of Molotov cocktails on Hong Kong’s streets have caused tremendous distress amongst the peace-loving and law-abiding people of Hong Kong.”
Priscilla Leung’s ploy is to prompt those with pro-government tendencies to self-classify themselves as peace-loving and law-abiding, and then draw them into adopting her take on the protests. Leung’s awkward construction of this paragraph, however, makes it difficult for her to reach this goal.
For one thing, this 44-world paragraph has neither a single punctuation nor an easily-identifiable subject. Also, so disorienting for the reader is the phrase “the emergence of extreme and dangerous domestic terrorist activities from the police confiscation of automatic weapon and home-made bombs to the frequent illicit use of Molotov cocktails” - surely, the police’s confiscation of weapons doesn’t fall under the category of “extreme and dangerous domestic terrorist activities”?
My re-write:
In particular, time and again, the following scenario would distress us to no end: typically, what was billed as a peaceful march would quickly spiral out of control, as the socially alienated - their ranks ever-burgeoning - indulged in their taste for violence by hurling homemade bombs and Molotov cocktails. Some were even found to be in possession of automatic weapons.
“The rioters’ outrageous behavior has been challenging the bottom line of the rule of law, which is a proud symbol of Hong Kong. Moreover, in parallel with the pandemic crisis, we also need to be prepared for the challenges of the economic downturn in the coming months.”
I don’t see how the rule of law can be a “proud symbol” of Hong Kong, as it’s not peculiar to Hong Kong - all democracies have the rule of law.
Another detail Priscilla Leung has gotten wrong: a symbol is usually something concrete. So, the bauhinia is a symbol of Hong Kong the way the rule of law - an abstract ideal - is not. The safe (if conventional) route for Leung to take is to simply describe the rule of law as “a cornerstone for Hong Kong’s prosperity.”
My rewrite
The need to restrain rioters from wrecking further damage has become all the more pressing, now that Hong Kong has to focus on combating the virus, which has created such a climate of economic uncertainty in the foreseeable future.