












因此 2020年每次區議會會議,氣氛都極之緊張,較諸去屆區議會只有我一名民主派孤身作戰時,形勢甚至更惡劣和複雜。政府與建制派明目張膽勾結之餘,我們同時還要面對民主派的內部分歧。或者有人不太珍惜區議會的平台,覺得並不重要,但我們念茲在茲、必須守護的,其實是對社會公義的信念。




The future of Hong Kong

What would our future look like?

In the future, our civil servants and principal officials would be trusted by the people.
We would formulate our financial budget independently.
The LegCo and Judiciary of Hong Kong could operate independently, without any intervention.
We would have freedom of the press, allowing reporters to write about any topics, regardless of controversy.
Expressing our political views peacefully would not lead to any persecution or prison time.
The democrats wouldn’t be locked out of the LegCo’s doors. We could have fair and open elections to elect our representatives.

This was written in 1996, in an Apple Daily piece listing 16 indicators of Hong Kong’s success in the future.

This week, their founder Jimmy Lai is arrested without bail. Former pro-democrat lawmaker Ted Hui has begun his exile in Europe. Activist Joshua Wong and two others are sentenced to prison for their roles in last year’s protest. This is 2020.

As part of the Generation Y, Hong Kongers like me grew up trying the best to make our hometown a better place. It has been five years since I first ran in the district council election. I have witnessed how the government treats the district council drastically different when the majority went from one camp to the other. Hong Kong is declining, not because of our citizens’ political awakening, but because of our government’s decay.

In November 2019, in the midst of the anti-extradition law amendment bill movement, it was the first time every Hong Kong voter has a chance to vote in the district council election because there was no more uncontested election. As we saw the election as part of the movement, every democratic candidate were fighting against the pro-government camp, which supported Carrie Lam’s implementation of the extradition law to China. We had great success in that war. With voter turnout at 71%, we took control of the council in 17 districts. We gained the legitimacy in a council that represents the people, yet it became the target of the government later.

With government suppression and COVID-19 looming over us, 2020 has been a tough year. This year has been hugely challenging for all the district councillors, especially the new ones. Despite having more members than the pro-government camp in the district council, the government’s uncooperative—at times aggressive—attitude towards the democratic councillors made the district council a hostile battleground.

In the DC meetings, civil servant showing no respect to their profession is now a common sight. They often show little regard to professional ethics—shouting at councilors in attempt to cover up their actions that did not follow guidelines and regulation. Early this year in Wan Chai DC, they even censored the text on the package leaflet of the facemasks for residents. For this sole reason, they held over $700,000 that was due to the NGO that helped the DC with the facemask purchase for more than 200 days, just because of a letter from pro-government district council members. And the HAD allowed such a letter to override the conclusion of our district council meeting. This is not complying with any procedure. That has led to an investigation by the office of the ombudsman. This is not the only example, you can find many in our district councils. And I have to tell everyone that, in the previous district council dominated by the pro-government camp, incidents of this sort have never happened. District officers have never walked out of DC meetings before. But this year, the district officers have walked out 89 times in 17 districts. The district officers are the representative of Carrie Lam in the DCs. You won’t be surprised because they chose to walk out just so they don’t have to listen to what their people say, and blaming councillors for raising sensitive topics such as “community test centers”. No wonder why we are still suffering from the pandemic. This is all Carrie Lam government’s doing.

Every meeting in 2020 was very intense, even worse than when I was the only pro-democrat.

Not only has the government joined hands with the pro-government camp, we now have to deal with democratic councillors’ differences. Some may not value the platform of the DC as much as others do. But what we have to guard, is the belief in justice.

It’s inhumane, it’s extremely difficult, and you can call me foolish. But this is a test of will—not allowing myself to give up is what I have determined to do. If I give them an inch now, they’ll take a mile soon enough. Our movement can’t afford to lose any more ground.

Being persistent maybe painful, or may put us in a dangerous position. Yet, the movement is still going on. Whoever we are in whatever position, we need to ask ourselves, “How do we want to shape the future of Hong Kong?”

(Written in 3rd December, 2020)