上世紀六十年代,當非裔美國人民權運動開始冒起,鼎鼎大名的時裝攝影師 Richard Avedon也作出自己的貢獻,到美國南部拍攝以社會不公為題材的作品。他這樣解釋他的動機:「我不想我兒子因我什麽都沒做而以我為恥。」
當我看到有線高層李臻採訪林鄭月娥時唯唯諾諾的樣子; 當我看到他的社交媒體充斥著罵他的留言,(大眾看不過他如此粗暴地辭退員工);當我发覺原來李臻喜歡大談育兒心得,並著有「為孩子備戰未來」和「贏輸不在起跑線」等書, 我就想到Richard Avedon了:香港現在有難,作為兩個孩子的父親,李臻為什麽不給孩子演示,什麽是對社會有承擔?以後孩子長大會google,看到父親的口碑那麽差,他在孩子面前還有權威和顏面嗎?
可能大家會記得我除了是獨立雙語作家,還是一個English writing coach,以往我也多次把舔共人士所寫的英文,修改成native English。我是很努力地把自己的英文寫成國際水準,同時也很努力地完善自己的知識體系,因我也是一個高學歷的文科人。我早就預見,如果我的作品和writing coach service的水平不夠高,我到李臻的年紀,就可能要為了謀生而去投共了!
Another obvious method employed by Beijing is pushing Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor and her administration to clean up their own mess, but simultaneously showing full support for Lam, whose popularity has plunged, as well as the embattled police force...That well explains Lam’s sudden return to visibility and decision to end the month-long summer break”
Note the way the author’s readers have to jump in and do detective work where her imprecise use of English leaves her meanings vague. “Another obvious method employed by Beijing” could have been better expressed as “another course of action readily available to Beijing”; by “(Beijing) simultaneously showing full support for Lam, whose popularity has plunged, as well as the embattled police force,” did the author mean to say “the police’s popularity has plunged along with that of Lam’s,” or “Beijing has shown support for both Lam and the police”?
“Another course of action available to Beijing - which it proceeded to pursue readily - was to make a show of standing behind Lam’s administration and, in doing so, compel it to overcome its fear of public opprobrium and venture into the limelight again….This would explain Lam’s sudden re-emergence in the public eye towards the end of the summer.”