





1. 李慧琼議員停止所有違法奪權行動,讓郭榮鏗議員繼續主持內務委員會會議。
2. 所有立法會秘書處職員、保安人員及涉及立法會事務的公務員,務必嚴守政治中立原則,以公正持平、不偏不倚和尊重程序公義的態度,支援和服務每一位作為民意代表的立法會議員。



Yesterday afternoon, Legislative Council (LegCo) member Starry Lee took over the House Committee Chairman seat illegally, with escorts from security and LegCo Secretariat. As Christians, pastors, and citizens, we are concerned about the current political situation in Hong Kong. We are sending out a clear message to denounce and condemn Starry Lee, members of the pro-establishment party, and the SAR Government for trampling the Rule of Law, and blatantly disregarding procedural justice.

According to the Rules of Procedure of the LegCo, the House Committee of the LegCo must elect its Chairman and Vice-Chairmen before it can formally discuss relevant motions in the House Committee. Currently, the House Committee is chaired by LegCo member Dennis Kwok Wing-hang, and is still in the stage of electing the Chairman. In the past, Kwok has chaired many meetings of the House Committee and has not violated any rules of procedure. Therefore, Starry Lee has no legal basis to occupy chairman position of the House Committee. The SAR government conspired with pro-establishment party, and blatantly protected Starry Lee when she seized power at the House Committee. This is evidently the ruling authority stepping over the Rule of Law, destroying the credibility of the LegCo.

We strongly demand that:
1. Starry Lee must stop any illegal actions, and return the seat to Dennis Kwok to chair the House Committee meeting.
2. All Legislative Council Secretariat staff, security, and civil servants involved in Legislative Council affairs must strictly adhere to the principles of political neutrality to support and serve every legislation represented by public opinion with a fair, impartial and respectful manner.

Signed by a group of Christian pastors, believers and Hong Kong citizens
May 8, 2020

Pastoral Care Team
Hong Kong Pastors Joint Declarations Committee
Hong Kong Pastors Network

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