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The latest data shows that across the whole of Spain, only one case of a child under the age of nine is being treated in hospital. There are no cases of anyone between the ages of ten and 19 being hospitalized so far. Although between the 20 to 50 age group some 13 percent of hospitalised cases have been admitted into the ICU.

This puts the mortality rate in those under 59 at less than 1 percent.

Only five people under the age of 30 have reportedly died in Spain from the coronavirus.


'Healthcare on brink of collapsing': Doctors share stories from inside the Italy coronavirus quarantine

She added: "This virus is so infectious that the only way to avoid a 'massacre' is to have the least number possible getting infected over the longest possible timescale.

"Right now, if we get 10,000 people in Italy in need of ventilators - when we only have 3,000 in the country - 7,000 people will die.

"Rome right now is like where Milan was 10 days ago. In 10 days there has been an incredible escalation.

"Lombardy, which has the best healthcare in the country, is collapsing, so I don’t dare to think what would happen in less efficient regions.

"We've had no critical cases among children but with children, viruses are much less aggressive - think chickenpox or measles.


Information on COVID-19 and Pregnant Women and Children

There is not currently information from published scientific reports about susceptibility of pregnant women to COVID-19. Pregnant women experience immunologic and physiologic changes which might make them more susceptible to viral respiratory infections, including COVID-19.

There is no evidence that children are more susceptible to COVID-19. In fact, most confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported from China have occurred in adults. Infections in children have been reported, including in very young children. There is an ongoing investigation to determine more about this outbreak. This is a rapidly evolving situation and information will be updated as it becomes available. Information about children and pregnant women and COVID-19 is available on this page.



Clinical features and obstetric and neonatal outcomes of pregnant patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective, single-centre, descriptive study

Thus far, more than 49 000 confirmed cases, including health-care workers, have been identified in Wuhan, and many cases have been confirmed in other provinces in China, and in Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, and other countries worldwide.5, 6, 7, 8, 9 The number of pregnant women with COVID-19 is also increasing; there were already more than 30 pregnant patients with COVID-19 in China by Feb 8, 2020.

七例患者中的三例為初產,四例為多胎,入院時平均年齡為32歲(29-34歲),平均胎齡為39週加1天(37周至41週加2天)。 2名(29%)患有慢性疾病(甲狀腺功能低下和多囊卵巢綜合徵),三名(43%)患有子宮瘢痕形成。 平均潛伏期為5天(範圍2–9天)。 入院時,有6名(86%)患者發燒,1名(14%)患者咳嗽,1名(14%)患者呼吸急促,1名(14%)患者腹瀉

The neonatal birthweights and Apgar scores were normal. Four infants were taken home and were not tested for SARS-CoV-2; no fever, pathological jaundice, or other symptoms were reported during the follow-up call at 28 days after birth. Another three infants remained for observation in the neonatology department and were tested for SARS-CoV-2. Nucleic acid test for the throat swab of one neonate (child of patient 1) was positive at 36 h after birth; nucleic acid tests for the other two were negative. Subsequently, this infected neonate was transferred to Wuhan Children's Hospital, a designated hospital for children infected with COVID-19. After admission, the neonate had no fever and cough, with mild shortness of breath symptoms. Chest x-ray revealed mild pulmonary infection. The shortness of breath relieved quickly under neonatal care and monitoring. The neonate was discharged after 2 weeks following two consecutive negative nucleic acid test results. At 28 days after birth, the remaining three neonates were healthy and had no respiratory symptoms or feve


SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children

As of March 10, 2020, the 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has been responsible for more than 110,000 infections and 4000 deaths worldwide, but data regarding the epidemiologic characteristics and clinical features of infected children are limited.1-3 A recent review of 72,314 cases by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention showed that less than 1% of the cases were in children younger than 10 years of age.

As of March 8, 2020, there was one death. A 10-month-old child with intussusception had multiorgan failure and died 4 weeks after admission. A total of 21 patients were in stable condition in the general wards, and 149 have been discharged from the hospital.

This report describes a spectrum of illness from SARS-CoV-2 infection in children. In contrast with infected adults, most infected children appear to have a milder clinical course. Asymptomatic infections were not uncommon.2 Determination of the transmission potential of these asymptomatic patients is important for guiding the development of measures to control the ongoing pandemic.


Clinical and epidemiological features of 36 children with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Zhejiang, China: an observational cohort study

Although all paediatric patients in our cohort had mild or moderate type of COVID-19, the large proportion of asymptomatic children indicates the difficulty in identifying paediatric patients who do not have clear epidemiological information, leading to a dangerous situation in community-acquired infections.