Democratic National Convention
California Democrats will send 494 delegates and 35 alternates to the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All pledged delegates are allocated to the presidential candidates according to the results of the March 3, 2020 Primary. At-Large and PLEO Delegates are chosen by the Presidential Campaigns, keeping in mind our affirmative action goals, and confirmed by the Statewide Delegation at the May 17th meeting.
2020 Delegate Selection Plan (Adopted at Executive Board meeting 8/25/2019)
California is divided into 53 Congressional districts. Each district elects a representative to serve in the United States House of Representatives as part of the California's congressional delegation.
Current districts and representatives
The delegation has a total of 53 members, with 46 Democrats (including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi) and 7 Republicans (including minority leader Kevin McCarthy).
The 416 pledged delegates California sends to the national convention will be joined by 79 un-pledged PLEO delegates (30 members of the Democratic National Committee; 48 members of Congress, including two Senators, notably Kamala Harris, as well as 46 U.S. Representatives, notably Eric Swalwell; and the governor).
California Code, Elections Code - ELEC § 6524
The name of any presidential candidate, to whom are pledged a group of candidates who have qualified by petition for the delegate selection portion of the presidential primary ballot, shall, in addition, be automatically placed on the presidential preference portion of the ballot, without the filing of a separate petition for the presidential preference portion of the ballot.
California Code, Elections Code - ELEC § 6061
Any uncommitted delegation desiring to be placed on the presidential primary ballot shall have nomination papers circulated on behalf of the candidacy. In order to qualify for placement on the presidential primary ballot, the candidate's or uncommitted delegation's nomination papers shall be signed by voters registered as affiliated with the Democratic Party equal in number to not less than 1 percent or 500, whichever is fewer, in each congressional district of the number of persons registered as members of the Democratic Party in the report of registration issued by the Secretary of State on the 135th day preceding the presidential primary election. (4.5 months)
C. If a state requires the filing of a petition with the signatures of registered/enrolled voters in order to have a delegate/alternate candidate gain access to the primary ballot in connection with the Democratic presidential nominating process, the number of valid signatures shall not exceed either one half of one percent (.5%) of the registered/enrolled Democrats in such district or one half of one percent (.5%) of the total votes in such district for all Democratic presidential candidates (including uncommitted) during the immediately preceding presidential nominating process, whichever is lower, but in no event shall the number of valid signatures required exceed 500.
2. District-level delegates and alternates shall be elected by a presidential preference primary followed by a post-primary caucus, with the first determining step on March 3, 2020.
a. A presidential preference primary will be held on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, followed by District-level delegates and alternates caucuses on Sunday, April 19, 2020 to elect delegates.
a. California ’s district-level delegates and alternates are apportioned among the districts based on a formula giving equal weight to total population and to the average vote for the Democratic Candidates in the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections.
Rule 15 Petition Requirements and Filing Deadlines
A. If a state requires the filing of petitions with the signatures of registered/enrolled voters as the sole method to place a presidential candidate’s name on the primary ballot in connection with the Democratic presidential nominating process, such number of valid signatures shall not exceed 5,000.
B. No fee in excess of $2,500 may be charged (either to a presidential campaign or State Party) as the sole method to place a presidential candidate on the ballot in connection with the Democratic presidential nominating process. If state law requires such a fee in excess of $2,500, such law was in place prior to 2018, and a State Party has taken provable, positive steps to change such law, then a State Party may seek a waiver of this provision to charge such a fee to presidential campaigns.
C. If a state requires the filing of a petition with the signatures of registered/enrolled voters in order to have a delegate/alternate candidate gain access to the primary ballot in connection with the Democratic presidential nominating process, the number of valid signatures shall not exceed either one half of one percent (.5%) of the registered/enrolled Democrats in such district or one half of one percent (.5%) of the total votes in such district for all Democratic presidential candidates (including uncommitted) during the immediately preceding presidential nominating process, whichever is lower, but in no event shall the number of valid signatures required exceed 500.
California has semi-closed primaries — Californians must register as democrat or undeclared to vote for Bernie!
March 3, 2020, Presidential Primary Election Republican Delegate List
How are presidential primary elections conducted in California?
Qualified political parties in California may hold presidential primaries in one of two ways:
Closed presidential primary - the party only allows voters indicating a preference for that party to vote for its presidential nominee.
Modified-closed presidential primary - in addition to allowing voters indicating a preference for that party to vote for its presidential nominee, the party also allows voters who did not indicate a party preference to vote for its presidential nominee.
If a qualified political party chooses to hold a modified-closed presidential primary, the party must notify the California Secretary of State no later than the 135th day before Election Day.