Could Rats be the Possible Intermediate Hosts in the 2019 Wuhan COVID-19 Outbreak?
流行病學者吳錦祥推斷 新冠肺炎罪首是武漢本地老鼠 ----世界日報
輸康復者血漿 11重症病情轉好 金銀潭院長籲「過來人」捐血 專家:療法存風險
Immune responses to viruses
Via cytotoxic cells
When a virus infects a person (host), it invades the cells of its host in order to survive and replicate. Once inside, the cells of the immune system cannot ‘see’ the virus and therefore do not know that the host cell is infected. To overcome this, cells employ a system that allows them to show other cells what is inside them – they use molecules called class I major histocompatibility complex proteins (or MHC class I, for short) to display pieces of protein from inside the cell upon the cell surface. If the cell is infected with a virus, these pieces of peptide will include fragments of proteins made by the virus.
A special cell of the immune system called a T cell circulates looking for infections. One type of T cell is called a cytotoxic T cell because it kills cells that are infected with viruses with toxic mediators. Cytotoxic T cells have specialised proteins on their surface that help them to recognise virally-infected cells.
Viruses are highly adaptable, and have developed ways to avoid detection by T cells. Some viruses stop MHC molecules from getting to the cell surface to display viral peptides. If this happens, the T cell doesn’t know there’s a virus inside the infected cell.
However, another immune cell specialises in killing cells that have a reduced number of MHC class I molecules on their surface – this cell is a natural killer cell or NK cell for short. When the NK cell finds a cell displaying fewer than normal MHC molecules it releases toxic substances, in a similar way to cytotoxic T cells, which kill the virally-infected cell.
Via interferons
Virally infected cells produce and release small proteins called interferons, which play a role in immune protection against viruses. Interferons prevent replication of viruses, by directly interfering with their ability to replicate within an infected cell. They also act as signalling molecules that allow infected cells to warn nearby cells of a viral presence – this signal makes neighbouring cells increase the numbers of MHC class I molecules upon their surfaces, so that T cells surveying the area can identify and eliminate the viral infection as described above.
“Need to introduce some basic concepts of immunity. There are two types of immunity in the body: humoral (antibodies) and cellular ( Killer cells). Antibodies are useful for extra-cellular pathogens such as bacteria by identifying them, binding to them and destroying them. Since viruses quickly enter into body cells and not circulating in blood, this type of immunity has limited usefulness.
Cellular immunity is the major defence against intercellular pathogens such as viruses by identifying infected cells and destroying them together with the virus inside. There are still antibodies formation in a viral infection but quantity is limited. In vaccines for viruses we inject viral antigens into the body which stays in the blood to provoke an antibody response. This vaccine response is much stronger than the natural infection.
In COVID-19 infection some antibodies are produced but we do not know the quantity. In any case it is very small quality overall and to harvest it you need a lot of serum which contain the antibodies. In commercial production (where we extract non specific antibodies) donated blood is separated into blood cells and serum and antibodies are then extracted from pooled sera. That’s the job of the Red Cross. The production process is very complicated and strict hygiene observed. Only a few laboratories in each country are licensed to produce antibodies (known commercially as gamma globulins). Ten over years ago in China they used a different method to extract serum antibodies. Since voluntary blood donation is very backward they hired professional donors. In order to extract as much antibodies as possible they did a kind of dialysis (plasmapheresis) in which antibodies are separated from the blood cells and collected and the blood cells are then returned to the donor in order that he can donate more serum than a regular blood donation. This was done under very poor supervision and caused a major outbreak of AIDS in Hunan 湖南愛滋村。Thousands of people were infected and died. After that the government severely limited the commercial production of gamma globulin.
In the present case the announcement was from a pharmaceutical company rather than a hospital or university. There is no evidence that they did a randomised double blinded study. Collecting blood from convalescent patients is not advisable as they may still have hidden viruses in their body. The whole thing looked like a PR scam to me. ”