







區議會選舉從來是建制派的囊中物。今天是難得機會,無論泛民、獨立人士、勇武,甚至港獨派,都派員參選。為什麼他們不可暫時放下歧見,提出一個短暫的冷靜期呢?已經有人擔心建制買兇嫁禍,衝擊對手的有利地盤。區議會常常與地區黑惡勢力相關,元朗 7.21 事件就是例子。


以下回應兩位身居海外的網友留言。一位民運前輩,Ping Hu,認為勇武導致運動的失敗。他說:「事實證明並將繼續證明,勇武抗爭只會招致反效果。」



  1. 泛民論壇呼籲收起家中長者的身份證,以防止他們被誤導投票給建制,這是反民主做法;
  2. 黑衣人破壞建制派地區辦事處不對;
  3. 支持民主的社交平台被黑衣人用作對異己滅聲的手段;
  4. 黑衣人一方面「私了」支持中國或建制的人,而另一方面又指責元朗白衣人「私了」他們。


HKers are clamouring for "universal suffrage" but the territory doesn't have any law governing political parties and campaign funding (e.g. foreign donations are banned in the U.S and Canada, and I assume in all developed democracies as well, but in HK they don't even have to report where the money comes from) What kind of election is that when you don't even have the most basic mechanism to protect electoral integrity?

Furthermore the behaviour of these protesters/rioters in the last 4 months shows that they don't really believe in democracy, it is just a slogan.

  1. On some "pro democracy" forums they are telling people to hide/take away the ID of senior family members so they can't vote in the upcoming local election (senior citizens tend to vote pro government candidates);
  2. Campaign offices of pro government candidates are vandalized and trashed;
  3. Prominent "pro-democracy" social media influencers (or KOLs as they are called there) are mobilizing their followers to abuse the report mechanism on platforms such as Youtube, Facebook and Twitter to silence opposing voices, yet they whine about censorship;
  4. People who express pro government or pro China opinions are doxxed, bullied and beaten and their businesses trashed — they call that "renovation" — yet they have the gall to cry "white terror" when they inflict their black terror across the city.

These people are totalitarian thugs using the banner of "democracy" to destroy and intimidate, they have no respect for the democratic spirit. They are giving democracy a black eye.


Chinito 進一步指出,「在這一點上,我對於今次抗議的反感不僅僅在於暴力,還在於運動辯護者的完全不誠實和卑鄙。在崇高的口號之下,整個事情都是歇斯底里,誇大和謊言。」

At this point my problem with the protest is more than the violence, but the utter dishonesty and sleaziness of its apologists. Underneath the lofty slogans, the whole thing is based on manufactured hysteria, exaggerations and increasingly outright lies.

筆者希望指出群眾運動由一大群互不認識的人參與,從來都不是道德運動。1964年的紐約時報案中的美國聯邦大法官的判辭說得很清楚:「在宗教信仰和政治信仰中 —— 演說者偶爾會以渲染、中傷、甚至杜撰不實言論的方式—— 但是,盱衡歷史,長遠觀之,這些自由正是啟蒙民主政治公民的思想與訓示。」

Chinito 引用了一篇很有趣的文章 "We Stood on Opposite Sides at a Pro-Hong Kong Rally — and Became Friends"。 故事描寫一位支持民主的僑生外國人,參加了一場支持反送中運動的外國集會,文章同樣地帶有「渲染、中傷、杜撰不實言論」,可是當文章的主人翁發覺集會的主持人是反移民、歧視種族的特朗普支持者,這牴觸了主人翁的基本價值。

That is when Trump supporters, right-wing Christian groups, white supremacists, and ‘straight pride’ marchers began to arrive, joining our side of the barricade—clearly hoping to take advantage of the unfolding conflict to further their Sinophobic agenda. They jeered at the crowd of Chinese immigrants. A white woman wearing a Trump hat stood by the barricade, shouting ‘Shame on the United States for letting communists in!’ She started pointing an elderly person across the barricade and yelled: ‘Are you a fucking communist?’

I suddenly felt ashamed and disoriented.



筆者想起了一套1957年的黑白西片,「十二怒漢」(12 Angry Men),故事環繞著十二位陪審員激烈地爭論一宗殺人案。他們的爭議核心是案件是否已排除了所有合理疑點。其中一位陪審員向其他人說:「這就是民主,正是我們的堅信和認真地、無私地爭辯,它令美國偉大。」
