
今午(4:30)有action! 抗議 中國黃金 香港上市 西藏開礦

我都知超短notice,抱歉!但得閒就嚟啦!call me! :-)

Date: TODAY!!! (3/12/2010)
Time: 4:30pm
Place: 中環港鐵A出口往交易廣場的天橋

本週一,中國黃金國際資源有限公司(2099/ TSX: CGG)宣布,該公司股票開始於香港聯交所主板掛牌交易 ,並已成功於募集24億港元(約合3.09億美元),因而得以收購於西藏甲瑪銅多金屬礦控股方斯凱蘭礦業有限公司,令中國黃金全資擁有西藏甲瑪(近拉薩)之所有銅礦。


土地本應歸於人民,地區的發展亦應是由民主規劃。可是,大財團卻能花錢買起整個地區,使當地的居民全被迫遷。甲瑪的居民於開礦前從未被諮詢甚至通知,採礦亦於居民的反對下繼續擴展。上訪不受理睬,示威又被拘捕 -- 曾有兩名村民因抗議開礦公司而被判監15年,其中一人以在獄中被虐打至死,而早前因示威而被捕的甲瑪居民現仍在候審。





此為快閃行動,不會久留,有興趣的朋友可聯絡Tom Grundy或陳巧文。


Call on China Gold International Resources to immediately withdraw from Tibet

Date: 3/12/2010
Time: 4:30pm
Place: Walkway between MTR Central Station Exit A and Exchange Square

A small, short action involving a banner-drop and the display of the Tibetan flag will take place today on the walkway between MTR Central Station Exit A and Exchange Square in protest of China Gold International Resources (2099/ TSX: CGG), which started trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) earlier this week. The company is reported to have raised HK$2.4 billion ($309 million) in a recent IPO on the HKEX to expand and intensify its controversial mining operations in Tibet. Similar protests have been staged in Toronto and are planned in Vancouver, where the company is based. China Gold International Resources (formally Jinshan Inc.) has come under fire by Tibet advocacy groups for purchasing the Gyama (Chinese: Jiama) mine operation near Lhasa, Tibet’s capital, that is opposed by Tibetans in the region and abroad.

In 2009, Tibetans in Gyama protested water contamination and resettlement of nomads that had resulted from the mining operations. Tibetan rights groups are calling on Canadian mining companies and their investors to stay out of occupied Tibet or face escalated public pressure.

As the political situation inside Tibet continues to intensify due to increased concern and opposition to mining operations in Tibet, rights groups are calling on Hong Kong companies and their investors to steer clear of high risk business ventures in occupied Tibet or face increased public and political pressure.

More Background

* Villagers who were arrested for opposing mining in Gyama remain in prison awaiting sentencing. Two farmers, Sonam Rinchen and Thupten Yeshi were tortured and sentenced for up to 15 years in prison for demonstrating against mining operations in Gyama. Sonam Rinchen died of illness with part of his body paralyzed as a result of repeated torture while in prison.
* Tibetans of Gyama village have been overwhelmed and displaced from their traditional lands by the influx of thousands of Han Chinese, including military police and special forces.
* Hundreds of nomads have been displaced from the grasslands to socialist housing, depriving them of their traditional way of life and livelihood
* Severe pollution has resulted in illness of Tibetan villagers and death of their livestock
* The re-routing of villagers’ fresh water system to mining operations caused intense conflict between villagers and authorities
* Thundering noise from mining blasts through the night has caused sleep deprivation to villagers
* Villagers have been forced to sell their property, such as vehicles, to mining companies