多次榮登全港第一美景的大浪西灣,已被蒙古能源主席魯連城破壞。他向村民購下十萬呎土地,全面砍伐植被,建附設網球場和兩個人工湖的私人住宅。如此剝削大家的珍貴美景共有財產,作價僅是1600萬元。是日《南早》A1頭條:It was pristine at Sai Wan, but not any more “A stream that used to run through the village has disappeared.”
被問到為何買入這片土地,魯氏的發言人表示可能魯先生喜歡西灣村夠大又夠靜,再者,魯先生本人非常綠色,喜歡有機耕作。Perhaps it is because it is large and quiet. After all, he is a very green person and loves organic farming.
西灣村建村已600年歷史,可上溯明朝。西灣村村長表示,這條村荒廢已久,向來無人打理。這是一次良機,去改善和美化環境。The old village site has been abandoned for a long time and no one takes care of it. Now is a good chance to improve the environment and make the site look nicer.
世界自然基金會香港分會高級環境保護主任(陸地保育)梁士倫博士表示,事件顯示我們的政府短視,土地規劃粗疏,未能為市民保育最珍貴的自然遺產。雖然土地屬私有,但其觀賞價值和自然生態卻是屬全香港共有的。 The work highlighted the short-sightedness of the government in not preserving the city's most valuable natural heritage and landscape with proper land use zonings. While the land is privately owned, the visual value and natural setting of the site belongs to society.