請大家自由設計《零八憲章》的logo,我們想收集所有設計來做電腦的wallpaper,藉此希望可以延續各界關注和支持《零八憲章》,請把設計加到Facebook event 「收集《零八憲章》logo設計 Collect Logo Designs of "Charter 08"」的"Photos"一欄或電郵至: ppoon@aol.hk
Dear all,
Please design your own logo for "Charter 08". We would like to collect all the designs to make a wallpaper, hoping that it can continue to keep everyone's attention and support of "Charter 08". Please upload your design to the "Photos" section of the Facebook event "收集《零八憲章》logo設計 Collect Logo Designs of "Charter 08""or send it to: ppoon@aol.hk
Wish you all a Happy New Year!
Patrick Poon