
【CIC絕食行動一年】遭警威脅任線人 來港20年免遣返聲請者給特首的公開信

【CIC絕食行動一年】遭警威脅任線人 來港20年免遣返聲請者給特首的公開信

現年41歲、來自巴基斯坦的免遣返聲請者Ahmed Sani Salman,因家鄉政治衝突被誣陷殺人,自2000年起三度來港尋求庇護,去年3月被羈留在青山灣入境事務中心至今。他表示,於2009年被警員誣陷藏毒,再被威脅替警方做線人,事後他曾四次涉藏毒、販毒入獄,更被仇家報復,失去了左眼,亦恐懼被遣返回國後要面對國際販毒集團的尋仇。







Ms. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor.
Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administration Region of CHINA.

Respected MADAM,

My name is AHMED SANI SALMAN, Detainee No: 30535, 20, currently detain at the CIC Castle Peak Bay Immigration Center. I am a political asylum claiment (claimant) and I am here in Hong Kong for the past 20 years.

I am sending you this letter through a press reporter from the Immidiahk.net, because any letter couldn't have reach you if I have sent you directly from this center, like all the other letters that I have send to the other departments including Police Department, Legal Aid Department and other law firms.

The contents of this letter are not only true but also verifiable. My letter to you is nothing more than to bring into your good knowledge that I have been recruited by your Police department as a paid police informer in 2009, I was rigestered (registered) and sign the contract on my recognizance Form 8 that has been issued to me from the Immigration Department, with a condition to not take any employment while released on recognizance. But yet I was employed by your Police department.

In that respect we both have break the HK law, for the Police department to unlawfully recruit an asylum seeker to work for them as a paid police informer, and for me to take this employment since I was not to take any employment.

I am using this world employment because the work I did for the police was not voluntary but was specifically assigned to me by any police handler to join this international Drugs Mafia deeply and extract the drugs related information. The boss of this drugs mafia is none other than HK Permanent ID holder of Pakistan origin. Due to my failed asylum claim application by the Director of Immigration (Department) and futher (further) rejection by your assigned adjudicator in appeal petition I am facing imminent deportation back to my country where I am going to face alon (alone) the consequences of my actions against this international and notorious drugs mafia active in Hong Kong.

I have told the adjudicator about this danger and my fear in my APPEAL PETITION, but I regreatfully (regretfully) would like to inform you that your assigned adjudicators has rejected my claim and fear without even bother to verify independently my claims which could have been very easy to verify from the Police or Department of Justice. But the adjudicator have straightly rejected the authenticity of my claim of rigestered (registered) police informer as well as my fear of the retribution from the gang due to my betrayal to the gang and my assistance to the authority against them. I have been used like a prostitute against my gang through manipulation and the promise of better future by your Police department. But here I am now, facing deportation back to my country. I have writen (written) so many letters to the Police department asking their help when I most needed but so far I have got no reply from them which makes it very clear to me that I have been buped (duped) by the HK Police department, and that they don't want to be involved in any controversy due to their actions as to used a vulnerable asylum seeker to do their dirty and dangrous (dangerous) work since the asylum seekers are not allowed to do any clean and hard work to make ends meet.

I also would like to inform you that I am not alon (alone) in this, your Police department have an army of asylum seekers working for them as a rigestered (registered) informer to earn money through the manipulation of better future here in hong kong, they have no idea what they are geting (getting) their self into, but like me, they will know to their own demise one day that they also have been used like a prostitute by your Police department. But if this is the law to recruit (recruit) asylum seekers as paid police informer but not to allowed the asylum seekers clean and hard work then it is very mean law as well as wrong ethically.

As I have mentioned that my asylum claim has been rejected by the all the parties, I have been left with no alternative than to be deported back to my country although I am sure that I will be not safe from this drugs mafia but still I am willing to be deported to my country voluntarily to face this danger especially if the alternative is to live the rest of my life in the detention center at the Castle Peak Bay Immigration Center.

I am completly (completely) helpless here in your custody and did not get any justice but I will bring my case to the International Court of Justice if I survive and will tell the whole world that how I and other asylum seekers have been using by your Police department and how I have been thrown out from your city without any help and left alon (alone) on my own to follow the consequences for the dangerous and dirty work I have done for your Police department.

The life of the asylum seeker is allready (already) a very difficult life, especially in your city, but to make it worse than difficult, your department of Police manipulate and duped us which shouldn't have done.
I Just hope that you may give full atention (attention) and the due consideration to my letter and will amend the law on the policy which allows the Police department of HK to abuse the asylum seekers. If we are not allowed to take any paid employment of regular work then why we are allowed to take this police employment???

I hope if you want to understand the life of asylum seeker then you will do some thing to stop this abuse by your department strictly.

Your's Respectfully,



