(獨媒報導)德國西藏計畫(Tibet Initiative)副總監穆達偉(David Missal),昨日在X上載香港入境處拒絕其入境的通知書,通知書顯示日期為9月7日,穆達偉從北京大興機場抵港。他指經歷13小時入境審查後被拒入境,需乘飛機離港往越南。
I was just refused entry to Hong Kong. After 13 sleepless hours under immigration examination in the middle of the night, I was told that I could not enter the city and was eventually allowed to take a plane to Vietnam, where I planned to go only in a couple of days. pic.twitter.com/hSKskmDkFo
— David Missal (@DavidJRMissal) September 8, 2024
他離港前再發帖,對於無法到訪香港這個美麗的城市表示悲傷,望香港有一日能再獲自由。(I feel so sad that I can not go to such a beautiful city as Hong Kong anymore. I hope Hong Kong will be free - one day.)
After being awake for more than 30 hours, now I am super tired and exhausted. I feel so sad that I can not go to such a beautiful city as Hong Kong anymore. I hope Hong Kong will be free - one day. pic.twitter.com/Y5UHY8WBBi
— David Missal (@DavidJRMissal) September 8, 2024
其所屬組織德國西藏計畫(Tibet Initiative)聲明指,穆達偉原計劃到港三日,於本港時間周六(9月7日)晚上11時30分抵港,入境處對其進行了多次盤問,行李亦被搜查,至翌日下午收到被拒入境通知書。
2018年,穆達偉與獲德國政治庇護的本土民主前線成員黃台仰創立「自由香港」(Freiheit für Hongkong e.V.),至今仍為其新聞官。2020年7月,他與當時身在德國的鄺頌晴向德國國會請願,指北京繞過香港實施《港區國安法》,違反《中英聯合聲明》及國際法,要求德國政府制裁北京。