【獨媒報導】特首選舉唯一參選人李家超早前取得的提名票中,漁農界提名票是五大界別中最低。李家超今早與漁農界選委會見面,他之後見傳媒,不回答任何組班人選問題,但在回答英文提問時透露自己是天主教徒,並以「mother secondary school」稱呼母校九龍華仁書院。
有英文傳媒問李家超有沒有宗教信仰,以及他母校九龍華仁書院校訓。李家超表示自己是天主教徒,他以「mother secondary school 」稱呼「母校」,他指幫助社會是他「人生哲學」,亦是加入政府45年的原因之一。「母校」的正確英語,應該是「alma mater」。
Well I’m a Catholic. I believe in what I have been taught when I was in my mother secondary school, Wah Yan Kowloon. I thank for the education I received there, and the way I was brought up. Of course helping society as a whole is my “life philosophy”. And that is also one of the reason I had been a member of the government for 45 years. And of course helping people in need is not just a rightful thing to do, it is something that everyone should do, because we are living in the same place and we are living in a family. And I think we have to create a caring and inclusive society for everybody, so that we find Hong Kong a lovely place to live, to develop, and go about our dreams. So I am in fact practising this principle in my manifesto and also in my future governance. These are all very important principles for a warm society to have.