- 有Facebook帖文指COVID-19疫苗「完全違反FDA疫苗發行標準」,並稱有美國調查顯示因接種COVID-19疫苗而死的人數「比上世紀十五年來所有疫苗加起來的死亡人數還要高」。
- 該帖文提到美國FDA批准使用疫苗的標準當中,包括要追蹤參與者最少6個月。
- FDA目前透過「緊急使用授權」批准使用COVID-19疫苗,追蹤時間中位數要求為2個月,同時仍然須進行三期臨床實驗。
- 該帖文未有提及FDA「緊急使用授權」的標準,稱COVID-19疫苗「完全違反FDA疫苗發行標準」,屬誤導內容。
- 帖文稱COVID-19疫苗死亡人數比其他疫苗高,跟美國電視節目主持人卡臣的說法相似,然而卡臣的說法誤用了「疫苗不良事件報告系統」的數據,未有提及該系統數據不能用作推論疫苗和死亡個案的因果關係。
- 卡臣亦未有提到臨床實驗數據顯示,接種美國使用的三款COVID-19疫苗並未增加死亡風險。
- 卡臣關於疫苗與死亡人數的說法屬誤導內容,該Facebook帖文把VAERS收到的「接種疫苗後死亡」個案數字視為「因接種COVID-19疫苗而死亡的人數」乃錯誤詮釋數據,同樣屬誤導內容。
Facebook帳戶「陳雪人」於2021年5月14日的帖文質疑2019冠狀病毒病(COVID-19)疫苗的安全,宣稱全部疫苗「都未獲取足夠的臨床實驗證明安全達到標準」、「完全違反FDA疫苗發行標準」,又指「美國有調查顯示,四個月來因打COVID19 疫苗而死亡的人數,比上世紀十五年來所有疫苗加起來的死亡人數還要高」。帖文有180次分享、逾300次讚好。[1]
雖然有關帖文並未提供資料來源,但第二點——宣稱接種COVID-19疫苗而死亡的人數比15年來所有疫苗還要高——跟美國《霍士新聞》(Fox News)電視節目主持人卡臣(Tucker Carlson)於5月5日節目上的說法非常相似。卡臣於影片宣稱「在今年首4個月,美國政府錄得接種COVID疫苗後的死亡人數,比起自1997年中到2013年尾期間美國所有接種疫苗後死亡的人數還要多,這是15年半的時期」。[2]因此以下亦會查證卡臣的說法(卡臣在節目的相關發言可參考附錄)。
- 目前的COVID-19疫苗是否全部都未獲取足夠實驗證據,並完全違反美國食品及藥物管理局(Food and Drug Administration, FDA)的標準?
- 美國今年首4個月接種COVID-19疫苗後死亡的人數,是否比15年來所有接種疫苗後死亡的人數加起來還要高?
有關帖文並未提供資料來源,但搜尋「FDA experiment 6 months side effect 50% efficacy」可以找到FDA於2020年6月發表的一份指引,內容跟研發COVID-19疫苗與發出許可的標準有關。[3]其中關於臨床實驗的部分提到︰
- 在有安慰劑對照組的臨床實驗中,疫苗有效率應最少有50%[4];
- 評估疫苗安全的時候應包括「所有研究參與者接種所有實驗疫苗後最少6個月內的嚴重及其他醫療不良事件」。[5]
而根據FDA的文件,決定批准疫苗的緊急使用授權(Emergency Use Authorization, EUA)時仍須有三期臨床研究,而第三期研究的數據中,須有最少一半參與者的追蹤時間為接種所有疫苗後兩個月以上,以便有足夠資訊判斷疫苗的利弊。[7-8]
卡臣表示其數據來源為美國的「疫苗不良事件報告系統」(Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, VAERS)。[14]VAERS由美國疾病控制與預防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,CDC)與FDA共同管理,任何人接種疫苗後出現不良事件均可提交報告,專業醫護人員須匯報特定的不良事件,而疫苗製造商則須匯報所有知悉的不良事件,以便當局及早偵測到疫苗的潛在副作用。[15]
按現有資料,Janssen疫苗有可能輕微增加嚴重不良事件的風險。在4月13日,FDA及CDC表示在施打了超過680萬劑Janssen疫苗後,透過VAERS收到6宗報告指病人體內出現罕見而嚴重的血栓以及低血小板水平的症狀——稱為「血栓性血小板減少綜合症」(thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, TTS)——一度建議暫停使用該款疫苗。[25]
(01:49開始)So the question is, how are those numbers compared to the apparent death rate from the coronavirus vaccines now being distributed across all over the country. That's worth knowing. So we checked today and here's the answer, and these numbers come from the same set of government numbers we just read to you from. Here they are, between late December of 2020 and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting a COVID vaccine in the United States. 3,362, that's an average of roughly 30 people every day. So what does that add up to? By the way, that reporting period ended on April 23 and we don't have numbers past that, not quite up-to-date. But we can assume that another 360 people, at that rate, have died in the twelve days since. You put it all together, and that is a total of 3,722 deaths, that's almost 4,000 people who died after getting the COVID vaccines. The actual number is almost certainly higher than that. Perhaps vastly higher than that.
(02:49開始)The data we just cited come from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, VAERS. VAERS is managed by the CDC and the FDA, VAERS received a lot of criticisms over the years, some of it founded. Some critics have argued for a long time that VEARS undercounted vaccine injuries. The reports submitted to the public health human services in 2010 concluded that 'fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported by the VEARS system,' fewer than 1%, so what is the real number of people who apparently have been killed or injured by the vaccine? We don't know that number, nobody does and we are not gonna speculate about it on the show.
(03:29開始)But it's clear that what is happening now for whatever reason is not even close to normal. It's not even close to what we see in previous years with previous vaccines. Most vaccines are not accused of killing large numbers of people. The Menveo vaccine, for example, is given to people around the world, often children, to prevent bacterial meningitis. In this country only one person died from that vaccine in the entire period in 2010 and 2015. One.
(03:59開始)So compare that to what is happening now with the coronavirus for a while, in just the first four months of this year the U.S. government has recorded more deaths after COVID vaccinations than from all other vaccines administered in the United States between mid 1997 and the end of 2013, that is a period of 15 and a half years. Again, more people, according to VEARS, have died after getting a shot in four months during a single vaccination campaign than from all other vaccines combined over more than a decade and a half. Chuck that out. It's a stunning picture.
- Facebook帳戶「陳雪人」(@ChanSuetYenn)帖文
- Tucker Carlson Tonight - Wednesday, May 5 (Fox News),見影片4分03秒至4分20秒,亦可參考附錄(影片備份見此連結)。
- Development and Licensure of Vaccines to Prevent COVID-19 (FDA)
- 見文件第14頁(檔案第17頁),相關段落原文為"To ensure that a widely deployed COVID-19 vaccine is effective, the primary efficacy endpoint point estimate for a placebo-controlled efficacy trial should be at least 50%"。
- 見文件第15頁(檔案第18頁),相關段落原文為”Serious and other medically attended adverse events in all study participants for at least 6 months after completion of all study vaccinations.”。
- FDA Emergency Use Authorization (FDA)
- FDA wants two months of safety data before considering Covid-19 vaccine (CNN)
- Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee October 22, 2020 Meeting Briefing Document (FDA),見文件第35頁,相關段落原文為 “Data from Phase 3 studies that includes a median follow-up duration of at least two months after completion of the full vaccination regimen to help provide adequate information to assess a vaccine’s benefit-risk profile”。
- Krause PR, Gruber MF. Emergency Use Authorization of Covid Vaccines - Safety and Efficacy Follow-up Considerations. N Engl J Med. 2020;383(19):e107. doi:10.1056/NEJMp2031373
- Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccines Explained (FDA)
- Emergency Use Authorization for Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Review Memo (FDA),見文件第16頁,相關段落原文為 “Phase 2/3 safety population (median follow-up time of 2 months after vaccination #2): comprised of a total of 37586 (18801 vaccine,18785 placebo) participants >16 years of age enrolled by October 9, 2020 and received at least 1 dose of study vaccine or placebo; overall, 98.1% of participants completed the 2-dose series.”。
- 參考[2],見影片1分58秒至2分30秒,亦可參考附錄。
- 見[2]
- 參考[2],見影片2分49秒至2分55秒,亦可參考附錄。
- Guide to Interpreting VAERS Data (VAERS)
- FAQs (VAERS),見”What are the strengths and limitations of VAERS?”及”Are all adverse events reported to VAERS caused by vaccines?”兩題之答案。
- 在CDC Wonder的VAERS頁面先看免責聲明(disclaimer)了解數據限制,按下「我同意」(I agree)按鈕後選擇“VEARS Data Search”,再於第一欄”Organize table layout”中的"Group Results By”選擇”Vaccine”、第三欄”Select vaccine characteristics”選擇”COVID19 (COVID19 VACCINE)”、第五欄”Select other event characteristics”的”Event Category”選擇”Death”,便可得到如圖2的列表(但數字可能因應時間而有別)。
- COVID-19 Vaccinations in the United States (CDC Data Tracker),網絡時光機備份網頁
- FastStats - Deaths and Mortality (CDC National Center for Health Statistics)
- FDA Decision Memorandum (12/11/2020),見文件第19頁。
- FDA Decision Memorandum,見文件第34頁。
- FDA Decision Memorandum,見文件第40頁。
- Joint CDC and FDA Statement on Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine (FDA)
- FDA and CDC Lift Recommended Pause on Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 Vaccine Use Following Thorough Safety Review (FDA)
- Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine Frequently Asked Questions (FDA),見"Why did the FDA and CDC make the decision to resume use of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine?"、"Since April 13, 2021, have additional cases of blood clots with low platelets been reported to VAERS?"、"Why did the FDA and CDC recommend a pause in the use of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine?"、"Am I at risk for these serious adverse events if I receive the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine? "四條問題的答案。
- Letter Granting EUA Amendment (FDA)
- Update: Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) following COVID-19 vaccination (CDC)
- Moro PL, Arana J, Cano M, Lewis P, Shimabukuro TT. Deaths Reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, United States, 1997-2013. Clin Infect Dis. 2015;61(6):980-987. doi:10.1093/cid/civ423
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