地政總署今日(30/7/2021)按《前濱及海床(填海工程)條例》刊憲公告石鼓洲焚化爐至大嶼山長沙海灘的海底電纜工程。是項工程是石鼓洲焚化爐整體工程一部分,原本同屬一份「環境許可證」規管,但有關方面去年(2020年)初將海底電纜部份剝離,由另一份環境許可證作出管制。當然,依據的仍是同一份環境影響評估報告。因應今日的刊憲,我們翻查了有關環境許可證等資料,我們發覺最新的有關海底電纜工程的環境許可證曾作出修訂,原本的環境許可證(編號 FEP-02/429/2012/A)有以下條文:
Measures to Minimize Disturbance to Marine Mammals
2.5 To minimize the acoustic disturbance to marine mammals:
(i) construction works that may produce underwater acoustic disturbance shall be restricted within June to November to avoid peak season of Finless Porpoise occurrence;
7b.8.3.17 In order to minimise potential acoustic disturbance from construction activities on Finless Porpoise, construction works that may produce underwater acoustic disturbance should be scheduled outside the months with peak Finless Porpoise occurrence (December to May) (Table 2.5 under Section 2), including:
· sheet piling works for construction of cofferdam surrounding the reclamation area (Phase 1);
· sheet piling works for construction of the shorter section of breakwater (Phase 1);
· sheet piling works for construction of the remaining section of breakwater (Phase 3);
· bored piling works for berth area (Phase 3); and
· submarine cable installation works between Shek Kwu Chau and Cheung Sha.
7b.8.3.18 Such works should be restricted within June to November. This approach would not only avoid the peak season for Finless Porpoise occurrence, the magnitude of impacts arise from acoustic disturbance would also be minimised.Opt for quieter construction methods and plants
可是最新的環境許可證(2020年5月簽發,編號 FEP-02/429/2012/B)卻刪去有關限制條文,申請方中華電力在申請書上提出「刪除環境許可證編號FEP-02/429/2012/A C部條件第2.5(i)項及將其後條件重新編號」。簡言之,在新的環境許可證下,變成容許海底電纜工程於十二月至翌年六月江豚出沒高峰期(見環評報告)進行。