know thy enemy
我在七十年代發現clifford harper,讀了他的這篇長長的訪問,和檢閱他那從未到學校被訓練的版畫.我深受感染.
特別留意到他講的小故事.在eel pie 公社他的體會,後來在一間酒店的牆上畫了一幅以英國當代詩人christopher logue寫的'know thy enemy'為本的畫.
我於是在'the education of desire'裡讀到這首詩歌.為它寫了旋律,收錄在九七年回歸前的作品’before the storm'之內.
後來港台電視部一個已經尾聲的節目又找我唱歌,更大陣象的花了很多人力物力心機拍這首歌的video, 可惜最後也沒有廣播空間用,被雪廠在港台的archive內不得出來.
現在我又有機會唱這首christopher logue的詩,星期天在富德樓二樓書局,我會為加拿大來的朋友norman nawrocki暖場,這首know thy enemy 又再發聲:
Christopher Logue (1926-)
Know Thy Enemy
Know thy enemy:
he does not care what colour you are
provided you work for him
and yet you do!
he does not care how much you earn
provided you earn more for him
and yet you do!
he does not care who lives in the room at the top
provided he owns the building
and yet you strive!
he will let you write against him
provided you do not act against him
and yet you write!
he sings the praises of humanity
but knows machines cost more than men.
Bargain with him, he laughs, and beats you at it;
challenge him, and he kills.
Sooner than loose the things he owns
he will destroy the world.
But as you hasten to be free
And build your commonwealth
Do not forget the enemy
Who lies within yourself.