
Indymedia 的背景

Indymedia 的背景

追索反世貿 IMC 的起源, 從60年的反叛傳統, 到墨西哥chiapas的網絡游擊戰, 到1999年的西雅圖.


It's easy to talk about how indymedia and the visible
anti-neoliberal globalization movement appeared out of nowhere in 1999.
As if it sprung magically out of the tear gas as a fully developed
living breathing movement. It's a romantic myth which has been useful
in the spread of indymedia. But it's not true. The Seattle WTO protests
grew out of years of struggle and a coalition building effort and a lot
of luck. Many social movements grew and converged at the same time as
having a tremendous tactical victory in the streets.

So first i will explain a bit of how the social movements made the
seattle wto protests a success. There were many years of very reformist
and conservative unions who have declining membership who took on the
free trade fight. They had fought and lost against free trade
agreements with Canada and Mexico. So they understood the importance.
Then there were social justice groups and the normal leftists. These
groups were aware of the WTO through organizing against APEC and NAFTA.
Folks had been inspired by protests against the G8 and many other
groups. There was an idea, that elsewhere anti-globalization protests
had been successful and how it was 'our turn'. So this broad spectrum
of leftist groups included many media activists who created indymedia...............
