
A few Directions on our war against YOUTUBE censorship

1. 繼續以新戶口(以防無故被刪)來上載被刪的短片,然後電郵給我或[email protected],張貼在自己的網誌/網頁/網家,不過必須清楚註明原來的短片被YOUTUBE無理刪除,及原來被刪短片的URL,盡量讓任何人看到,即時可以理解發生什麼事。用YOUTUBE來上載,

2. 打電話/寫電郵/用傳真投訴YOUTUBE香港分站,同時亦可投訴到它的母公司Google,最後留一份傳底給我或 [email protected]作證據,不過YOUTUBE未必會即時處理,可能用拖字訣,直到事件被遺忘為止。因此,可以把它的回覆貼到自己網頁/網家/網誌,令它備受公衆壓力!

3. 打電話/寫電郵/用傳真到香港各傳媒投訴YOUTUBE,最後留一份傳底給我或[email protected]作證據,如果記者/聯絡人未能即時處理,或用拖字訣,可以把它的回覆貼到自己網頁/網家/網誌,令它備受公衆壓力。此舉的目的是令YOUTUBE在香港的形象受損,同時亦可進照妖鏡,看看哪一份報紙真的是敢言,肯為公義發聲!

4. 號召全世界的無神論者,自由派,世俗主義者及支持言論自由的人仕團體,把本短片翻譯成各國語言,繼續上載到YOUTUBE,把1的效果擴張到全世界;同時,亦可以舉辦「不雅聖經短片創作比賽」,以致把Truthbible變成全球無神論的中樞/焦點,Truthbible成全球支持言論自由的象徵!


1. Continue to apply for new account to upload the banned animation, then email me or Ohmygod@truthbible, post the link to youtube video in your website/blog. Please state in CLEAR and concise manner that the link to youtube video is what you just uploaded, and place also the link to banned video. We perfer YOUTUBE for several reasons:
A. To embrasses YOUTUBE;
B. To act as undeniable evidence that YOUTUBE has exercise censorship base on the content of the uploaded video.

2. Use email/telephone/fax to complain against YOUTUBE's censorship at its Hong Kong substation in Chinese, and in English to the mother company of YOUTUBE: Google in USA. Please send us a copy as an evidence that a complain is lodged against YOUTUBE, to prevent YOUTUBE using time to dilute the negative effect on its own misbehavior.

3. Complain that to Media, Newspaper, TV/Radio station in your country, and email/fax one to me or OMG as a reference. Then you can place the complain in your website/blog along with the name of media/reporter; that is to give the media public press. And let us identify who is truly speaking for the people.

4. Ask the Atheist/Secularist/Humanist/Liberal of all nations to translate this banned Bible animation to their own language and upload to the YOUTUBE server located at their own country. That is extending the effect of 1 globally. We could also initialize the competition for the Best Bible Animation, to make truthbible the hub for Global Atheism/Secularism/Humanism/Liberalism. Let's make Banned Bible Animation a symbol of speech freedom!