
'Chung Hong Exploits – LG Profits': Support for Chung Hong Workers' “昶虹剝削–LG獲利”:支持昶虹工人

'Chung Hong Exploits – LG Profits': Support for Chung Hong Workers' “昶虹剝削–LG獲利”:支持昶虹工人

'Chung Hong Exploits – LG Profits': Support for Chung Hong Workers

A collective protest has been happening for more than two months in the Chinese factory of Chung Hong Electronics Poland. A few days ago workers decided on a referendum to go on strike. The workers demand: a wage increase (to 70 Euro/80 USD a month); the restoration of the social fund, a reduction of the the annual overtime limit, the restoration of free transport for workers, and other issues related to workplaces and work schedules. On 28th of June a worker activist was fired on disciplinary ground. The response of other workers was an immediate strike action that will continue on 2nd of July. We ask for sending a protest letter to Chung Hong and LG Electronics Poland to show solidarity with their struggle.

發生在中國昶虹( 波蘭) 電子廠的工人集體抗議已超過兩個月。几天工前,工人們全民投票決定發動罷工。工人的要求是:提高每月工資(至70Euro/80美元);恢復工人的社保,降低每年加班工時上限,恢復免費運載工人和其他關於工時與流程上的問題。在6月28日一名參與組織的工人,被廠方以紀律處分為,遭到解雇。其他工人立即決定要啟動罷工行動作為響應,由6月28日開始,并將在7月2日繼續集會。我們呼吁向昶虹電子廠和LG電子廠發送一人一信行動,以顯示團結以及我們對與工人們的斗爭支持。

During the first strike referendum the boss sent guards who forcefully kicked out union reps from workers' buses. Between June 19 and 22 the second strike referendum took place in the factory, and 54.9% of the employees took part of which 89.4% were in favor of a strike. In the coming days, workers will decide about the strike. During the mediation with the boss on June 23 that lasted for eight hours the employers and their subordinates were sitting in the room while workers were not invited and only a negotiator talked to them.


Although workers have proposed several compromises, the management remains deaf to any arguments and rejects any agreement. The Chung Hong management wants to resolve the conflict forcefully and does not hesitate to use outrageous, illegal measures to put pressure on workers. On the 28th of June, Krzysztof Gazda, worker and member of Inicjatywa Pracownicza was dismissed, a clear violation of Polish labour and union law. He was dismissed because – as Chinese bosses claim – he organized a strike referendum, took part in the rally in front of the factory and demanded an immediate intervention of the negotiator during the collective dispute.

工人們在兩個月來曾提出多項建議,嘗試拉近兩方分歧,但管理層對工人提出的各種理據充耳不聞,亦拒絕達成任何協議。更離譜的是,昶虹管理層只想粗暴地解決沖突,且毫不猶疑地對工人作出暴力及非法的手段,以向工人們直接施壓。在6月28日,Krzysztof Gazda,一名Inicjatywa Pracownicza成員的工人遭到廠方解雇。廠方此舉已明顯違反波蘭勞動法和工會法。而他被解雇--中資廠方宣稱的原因是:Krzysztof Gazda在廠方與工人集體糾紛談判間,參加了在工廠門前要求立即干預談判的集會,并組織了一次討論罷工的會議。

Receiving the information about dismissal of Krzysztof, workers refused to work and started to strike. They elected a striking committee. 15 the most active workers (members of Inicjatywa Pracownicza) were locked in the canteen by the boss in order to separate them from the rest of the production workers. The boss sent guards against workers, so that they could not leave the room. Police was sent to the factory but refused to take any action. In the late night workers were forced to leave the factory and were provided separate bus transport so they stay separated from the rest of workers.

廠內工人收到Krzysztof Gazda被解雇的信息后,工人立即拒絕工作,啟動罷工,并選出一個罷工委員會。此時廠方立即將15名積極工人(衕時是Inicjatywa Pracownicza的成員)從廠房車間驅趕到工人食堂,并派出警衛驅禁工人,不允許工人離開廠房。警方抵達工廠,卻拒絕釆取任何行動。在深夜這15位工人被廠方用另外用員工巴士將他們強制帶離工廠,以避免他們與其他工人接觸。

Employers threatens also to dismiss others who took part in the strike and in the strike referendum, and obstructs contacts between the Inicjatywa Pracownicza (Workers' Initiative) members and the other workers.

廠方衕樣向其他參與罷工、罷工會議的工人威脅會以解雇作響應,且極力阻擾Inicjatywa Pracownicza的成員與其他工人有任何接觸。

Workers declare to continue strike on Monday, 2nd of July. Inicjatywa Pracownicza is organizing a rally in front of the factory the same day. We call for any solidarity actions and massages on the 2nd of July and later on, especially in front of LG offices.

工人當日立即宣布,在7月2日,周一,繼續罷工。 Inicjatywa Pracownicza組織衕日於工廠門前安排了集會。我們在此呼吁各界,可在7月2日及之后,向昶虹電子廠,尤其是LG發動各種聲援行動,并向各界廣傳昶虹電子廠工人罷工的信息。

The arena of conflict is a factory located in a Special Economic Zone in Poland that benefit from many tax reductions (tax exemptions, refunds for the cost of employment). Chung Hong produces almost exclusively for LG Electronics Poland and, therefore, depends on orders from LG.


In the face of harsh repressions and the strike action at Hong Chung, Inicjatywa Pracownicza initiates a protest campaign to express support for the workers in struggle. We expect that the main contractor LG Electronics Poland, the governors of the Special Economic Zone, and local authorities to take a position on the conflict.

此時此刻,昶虹電子廠的工人罷工行動正面對嚴酷鎮壓。Inicjatywa Pracownicza正發起了抗議活動以表達對工人斗爭的支持。本人們要求「LG(波蘭)電子廠」、波蘭特別經濟區、波蘭工業發展署,就「昶虹(波蘭)電子廠」違反波蘭勞動法所保障的工人結社自由與集體談判權利釆取積極行動,以終止「昶虹(波蘭)電子廠」對工人進行的各種打壓罷工、騷擾與威脅,落實「特別經濟區」內波蘭勞動法及工會法所保障的基本權利。

See more:

"We must act together, we have to show solidarity" – Voices of Chung Hong Electronics workers 我們必須共衕釆取行動,我們必須要團結” -昶虹電子工人聲明

We will not work for a bowl of rice! - Report of Chung Hong workers我們工作不夠換混一頓飯! -昶虹工人報告

Workers' Initiative in a Polish factory of the Chinese Chung Hong中國昶虹(波蘭)電子廠的工人倡議

What can you do?

Inicjatywa Pracownicza asks supporters, fellow workers and comrades, worker organizations and trade unions to support workers of Chung Hong Electronics! The employer must feel the pressure from below coming from the outside the factory. We ask for any publicity you can give and any possible ways of support.

Inicjatywa Pracownicza工人自主組織邀請支持者們,工友們,衕志們,工人組織及工會們支持昶虹電子的工人!! 我們必須讓那些老板感受到,來自工廠的內外皆由下而上的壓力!! 我們呼吁各方請廣傳這信息,并通過你可以參與的方法加入聲援的行列!!

Solidarity is our weapon!

Please see the example letter of protest and send it to:

Chung Hong Electronics昶虹(波蘭)電子廠
YU Yung Tsai - chairman of the board(「余永才」(音譯)──董事會主席)
Innowacyjna 4
55-040 Biskupice Podgórne

LG Electronics Polska Sp. z.o.o.LG(波蘭)電子廠
Don Hyung Kang
Aleje Jerozolimskie 162A
02-342 Warszawa

Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A.
Industrial Developement Agency波蘭工業發展署

w Warszawie 

Oddział w Tarnobrzegu
ul. Zakładowa 30
39-400 Tarnobrzeg


Letter of protest

Dear Sir/Madam,

I express my great concern about the current situation in the factory of Chung Hong Electronics in Biskupice Podgórne in the Special Economic Zone near Wroclaw. Chung Hong is abusing basic labour rights and the rights of the union Inicjatywa Pracownicza to run its activity. Workers went on strike, and I want to show solidarity with them.

Chung Hong is an almost exclusive subcontractor of LG Electronics Poland, that is why LG is also responsible for the situation.


Inicjatywa Pracownicza has entered the collective dispute with the employer more that two months ago. However, the employer, claiming that it is only an LG contractor, refuses to meet the basic demands of workers, including a wage increase (the wage is now the lowest in the entire Zone), the restoration of the Social Fund for workers, and others.

除上述種種之外,廠內積極工人遭受廠方恐嚇、騷擾和并解雇的威脅。6月28日廠內工人Krzystzof Gazda因廠方單方面的「紀律處分」而被解雇,廠方此舉明顯違反了波蘭勞動和工會法。廠方亦出動警衛壓制工人。從廠方的對工人的種種威嚇及毫無與工人組織提出的各種建議尋求共識或響應的意欲,更肆無忌憚地踐踏工人的結社自由,都表明「中國昶虹(波蘭)電子廠」既不承認波蘭勞動法,更毫無意欲通過合法的途徑解決集體糾紛。

Moreover, worker activists are intimidated, harassed and threatened with dismissals. On the 28th of June Krzystzof Gazda was fired on disciplinary ground, a clear violation of Polish labour and union law. The company has sent guards against workers. Such politics of intimidation and the lack of will to find an agreement about any of the union demands shows that the Chinese Chung Hong owners do not recognize the Polish labour law, the law on the settlement of collective disputes, and the freedom of workers' association.

6月28日廠內工人Krzystzof Gazda因廠方單方面的「紀律處分」而被解雇,廠方此舉明顯違反了波蘭勞動和工會法。廠方亦出動警衛壓制工人。從廠方的對工人的種種威嚇及毫無與工人組織提出的各種建議尋求共識或響應的意欲,更肆無忌憚地踐踏工人的結社自由,都表明「中國昶虹(波蘭)電子廠」既不承認波蘭勞動法,更毫無意欲通過合法的途徑解決集體糾紛。

I protest against the actions of the Chung Hong owners. I expect a reaction of LG Electronics Poland and Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu (Industrial Development Agency) against the abuse of labour rights and freedom of association in the Chung Hong factory.


I demand immediate reinstatement of Krzysztof Gazda to work!

本人要求昶虹(波蘭)電子廠需讓Krzysztof Gazda立即恢復工作!

Yours Sincerely,
