(We believe STL will apologize, when all GLBT, liberal Christian and Atheist is removed from Hong Kong!
有趣的是,今星期六的恩雨之聲才特別提及基督教不是由「宗教狂熱份子」組成,當中也有好人好事,為四川大地震受災者出錢出力,因此我得出的結論是: 黃成智和明光社及性文學會都是「宗教狂熱份子」,而不是基督徒!
Dear all,
thank you very much for your concern on our projects. I apologize for not able to respond these days as I was occupied by a few pressing matters in the last few days.
Our agency starts public education program on sexual orientation in 2001 and supporting and volunteer development service for LGB youths in 2007.
And as Samuel said, the radio program concerned was a joint production between our projects and Gay Radio Hong Kong in 2007, in which some young gays share their experience on coming out, handling relationship and relationship with parents. The story began at around February as some of our supervisors received "concern and inquiry" on the programs. and in early March, the AIDS Trust Fund called for a meeting and raised questions on the radio program as they also received "enquiry" on the radio program. saying that it is "enquiry" because there is no written official complaints as far as we understand, but just among some informal "enquiry and concern". We explained that the program was not funded by the ATF, and the ATF by then issued a letter declared that they were not responsible for the program. And the radio program is now suspended for review.
we found that that blackmouthing of the project was well organized and widespread. many of our colleagues received similiar "concern" and we have also heard that a legislator met 局長 to raise his concern over various ATF funded projects.
Our agency is committed to support LGB youths and their parents as well as promoting equality and diversity. we keep our response low keys so far as so far we have not received any formal complain.
Some more background information. Currently our projects provides supporting service for around 200 LGB youths, supporting group for 12 parents, leadership training and volunteer development for 30 volunteers and public education workshop for 400 teachers and social workers and over 6,000 students.
性向無限計劃 計劃主任
電話:2326 6555
Celebrate. Empower. Transform
Supporting Quality Gay Life
Compiled from emails from Daniel Tung, Samuel Wong, Connie Chan, Siu Cho, Reggie Ho, Jason Chiu and Ken Law
The Christian fundamentalist right is developing a campaign to censure and close down tongzhi friendly websites and to reduce funding to tongzhi friendly NGOs using criticism of them as obscene, encouraging same sex and encouraging drug use. The campaign involves using complaints to the public and the office of Legco Member Nelson Wong Shing-chi, who are seeking to persuade Government departments to investigate tongzhi organisations and sites.
The campaign started in January 2009 and has attacked AIDS Concern, gayradio.hk, the Boys and Girls Clubs Association (BGCA) and its youth group, Elements. It has succeeded in closing down two sites so far, the ‘Flying High Landing Safe’ video site operated by AIDS Concern and the ‘New Star’ radio site jointly started in 2007 by gayradio.hk and the BGCA Touch Project.
Wong Shing-chi has taken his campaign to the media. In response, a writer named Ng Chi-sum attacked Wong in Mingpao on 16(?) March 2009. For the tongzhi community, 4mycolors has taken up protest against the fundamentalists’ assault on freedom of speech and is meeting on Wednesday 18 March to discuss a way forward. The Tongzhi Community Joint Meeting has yet to take a role but is preparing to do so. In the wider community, CMN is preparing to attack the fundamentalists.
Siu Cho and others consider this is a part of a deliberate assault on safe sex programmes by the religious right.
AIDS CONCERN (Taken from a report of 18 March 2009 by Daniel Tung, Director)
We believe this whole Wong Shing-chi saga is a well planned scheme. It started in January when we received a call from the police with regard to an investigation to a posting on drug issues in one of the gay BBS. We had 2 police officers visiting our office and 'had a chat' with our Chief Executive in January 2009. The issue was partially resolved when we told the police that the person who did the posting was a part-time staff of AIDS Concern, and that the intention was never to promote drug use.
On 16 January, we then received a letter from the AIDS Trust Fund (ATF; the Hong Kong Government body dispensing funds to AIDS NGOs), stating that they had received a letter from a member of the public complaining about our ‘Flying High Landing Safe’ video website. The well-informed member of the public stated similar things to those later stated by Wong Shing-chi, and the letter was posted to the Chairman of the ATF and cc-ed to the Narcotics Bureau.
Wong Shing-chi seems to have complained to the Secretary for Justice, saying that the ATF was using the Government's money to build the website to promote drug use. He claimed that this ran counter to the Government's anti-drug use message. He also criticized AIDS Concern for ‘not discussing the matter until he had openly stated that he would hold a press conference to reveal the issue.’
AIDS Concern responded to the ATF, explaining again that the website used the harm reduction approach, and that the website included the effects, as well as the negative impacts, of the different drugs. We also included resources for viewers wanting to seek help.
The funding period of the ‘Flying High Landing Safe’ site ended in January, and we felt that it was time to temporarily suspend the website to review the content. We plan to launch the website again after improving the content.
In March, when we heard of the press conference by Wong Shing-chi, we responded that weekend through a press release. Wong and others at the conference mentioned that they had viewed the website in February and showed a print-out of the website. That was when we figured that they had it planned for a while since the website was suspended in January. Wong Shing-chi appeared in the City Forum on TV that weekend. A 'member of the public' stood up to say something about having a mother complaining that her child told her that so long as 'he remain high but safe' he would be all right, again citing our website.
Our Chief Executive did a radio show on RTHK and a forum by 信报 to talk about the issue. Several other organisations will be also addressing the issue on harm reduction in the next few weeks.
Midnight Blue has taken the lead to coordinate different tongzhi groups and to send a petition to the ATF.
GAYRADIO.HK (Taken from reports by Samuel Wong, Reggie Ho of 16-18 March 2009)
A radio website project by the Touch Project of the BGCA was started with gayradio.hk in 2007, resulting in the web site ‘New Star 2007’, which promoted safe sex. Elements, a youth group of the BCGA, started in 2008, joined gayradio.hk in ‘New Star 2008’. Wong Shing-chi attacked the MSM safe sex projects run by the BGCA. The complaint seems to have gone to the ATF and to the secretary for Food and Health, Dr York Chow, though there seems to have been no formal complaint. The ATF received transcripts of the parts of the radio programmes regarding youth sex experience and asked BGCA for an explanation. Gayradio.hk and the BGCA decided to temporarily suspend the web page carrying the radio programme to allow the BGCA to deal with the issue internally, as some of its own Board members are not fully behind the project. The BGCA's service to gay youth has been 100% funded by the ATF for 2 years and their proposal for future funding is now being reviewed by the ATF, which is why they are concerned.
A writer named Mr Ng Chi-sum wrote an article in Mingpao on 16 (?) March 2009, criticising Wong Shing-chi for his action. The article points out how religious extremists are distorting safer sex projects by blaming them for promoting drug use, and how legislators such as Wong Shing-chi are confused about their roles. Ng pointed out that extreme Christian groups were using different means to eradicate gay groups. Ng mentioned that the ATF is working for harm reduction, in the same way that the Government provides Methadone for drug addicts. He pointed out that drug use is common in the gay community and that it is impossible for people to kick the habit right away, so that harm reduction is necessary, and that it's the right method to start curbing the problem. He further denounced Wong's (and extreme Christian groups') recent ‘barbarian actions’ against LGBT NGOs which are subsidized by the Government. Ng slammed them for sending complaints to their sponsoring bodies, seeking to make LGBT NGOs' subsidies smaller and smaller and eventually making them die out. He equated such action as ethically ‘purifying’ society using the religious values of the fundamentalists, which he said was despicable. He urged people to be clear about their different identities as LEGCO members, social workers and religious disciples, and not to mix religious ethics with public affairs, and indeed not to neglect social justice just because of electoral votes. Ng actually related drug use with MSM behaviour, arguing that harm reduction actually promotes safe gay sex, and that the website was just telling people to be smarter in using drugs and not to overdose, as it is this which leads to unsafe sex.