港大搞左個夏日研討會,可惜宣傳文字只有英文版。public letucre 係今日,周日再有圓桌會議招待「cultural activists」
Media, Everyday Life and the Cultures of
Consumption (June 17-19, 2005, Hong Kong Univeristy)
16 June 2005
4:30-6pm public lecture
Council Chamber, 8/F, Meng Wah
Complex, Hong Kong University
Leo LEE (Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Charles TAYLOR (School of Law, Northwestern
Changing Imaginaries of Everyday Life
Session 7: Hong Kong Cultural
Activists Round Table
Chair: Leo LEE (Department of Cultural and
Religious Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Panelists: Leung
Man Tao; Leung Po Shan (Other panelists TBC)