Date: 21st August, 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 3:00pm (assembly time),5:00pm (demonstration sets off)
Charter Garden, Central, HK (Marching to Central Government Offices)
Participants with pets can gather at the pavement outside the garden.
Participants could dress in black to show the contempt for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) which exhibits its brutality and bureaucracy toward animals.
Advocated by a group of volunteers formed to press the government to make a comprehensive and effective “Animal Protection Policy”.
1)「以絕育代替殺戮」 - 譴責漁護署長期使用不當手段處理流浪動物,要求盡快落實「捕捉、絕育、放回」(TNR)政策。
1) "Sterilization instead of killing" - Condemn the AFCD long-term use of improper method when dealing with stray animals. Demand the implementation of "Trap-Neuter-Return" (TNR) policy ASAP.
2)「收緊動物售賣/ 繁殖法例」 - 規管因售賣及繁殖而惹起的遺棄動物問題。引入愛護動物團體參與法例修訂,先由貓、狗、兔、流浪牛、寵物鼠及非食用爬蟲類開始。
2) "Tightening the animal selling and breeding law" - To regulate the selling and breeding of animal which cause the increase of abandoned animals. Involve animal caring groups to participate in the consultation and amendment of the law, begin with cats, dogs, rabbits, cattle, pet mice and non-food pet reptiles.
3)「檢討漁護署的動物認養政策」- 成立專責部門處理漁護署的動物領養工作。
3) "Critically review the AFCD animal adoption policy" - Establish a special department to handle the AFCD's animal adoption arrangement.
4)「撥款支持動物福利」 - 動物拯救工作既艱且巨,促請政府增撥資源予保護動物機構及志願者,與志願團體商議<動物友善政策計劃之撥款申請>的可行性。
4) "Funding for animal welfare" - Animal rescue is not an easy task. We urge the Government to allocate more resources to animal caring groups and to volunteers, and to discuss the feasibility of funding application of "Animal-friendly policy schemes".
5) Follow the example of the United States to set up "Animal Police" to handle animals abuse with groups of experts.
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