
香港開源通訊 HK Open Source Newsletter #5 (2012/01/08)

香港開源通訊 HK Open Source Newsletter #5 (2012/01/08)

文/Editor: Sammy Fung (opensource.hk evangelist)
(English version is enclosed after Chinese version)



Open Source Workshop #2 (Jan 2011)
1月14日 (六) 14:30-18:00 理大 M108 課室

因場地和講員安排,本月改為 1 月 14 日在理大進行。

未來幾個月再次舉辦每月定期開放源碼 / Linux 聚會 (每月第一個星期六)!

帶我們大家的 open source / Linux 問題和 ideas 來 workshop,向別人尋找答案、幫助、ideas。
在 5 分鐘的閃電講 / 25 分鐘演講,向別人介紹和分享你的經驗和知識。
幫助新手在他們 laptop 上安裝 Linux,向新手講述和討論為何、如何使用 open source / Linux。
workshops 後可以一起去吃晚飯,繼續聊天。

(14:45) 25 mins - Tuning the JVM for Extreme Low Latency (Sunny Chan / Hong Kong Java User Group)
(15:15) 25 mins - Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) talk #2 (@wanleung)
(15:45) 5-min lightening talk - Latest version of Linux Deepin (Sun Xilin).
(15:55) Workshop - Trial installation of OLPC XO School Server on a fanless MiniATX system. (@wanleung & TK Kang / One Laptop Per Child)
(15:55) 自由討論時間 - 帶我們大家的 open source / Linux 問題和 ideas 來 workshop,向別人尋找答案、幫助、ideas。
報名: https://www.facebook.com/events/183641821728552/ 或 email 給 webmaster@opensource.hk

Meet John O'Duinn, the Director of Release Engineering of Mozilla
1月26日 (四) 19:30-22:30 地點待定

John O'Duinn, the Director of Release Engineering of Mozilla, will be in Hong Kong. He would like to meet people in Hong Kong who are interested in Mozilla, Firefox, etc.


報名: https://www.facebook.com/events/222500921164809/ 或 email 給 webmaster@opensource.hk


[資訊人權貴] 匈牙利政府宣佈: 三月起所有政府機關 (國防部除外) 必須使用開放檔案格式; 最好使用開放原始碼軟體 (有困難請說明); 教育部不再為學校買 MS office 授權。 http://bit.ly/A7g3bs
[台灣Wired] 玩開源碼的小兒科醫師:李柏鋒 http://bit.ly/y3B1Zh
[reality] Teagueduino 開箱 http://bit.ly/wtUXBi
[森路歷程] 台北遊第三天 – COSCUP 第一天上午 http://bit.ly/vsEEhW
[森路歷程] 台北遊第三天 – COSCUP 第一天下午、晚上 http://bit.ly/sbC1zr
[森路歷程] 台北遊第四天 – COSCUP 第二天 http://bit.ly/sRTwof

To promote open source, you are welcome to forward this newsletter to your friends.

Upcoming Events

Open Source Workshop #2 (Jan 2012)
Jan 14 (Sat) 14:30-18:00 PolyU M108

A monthly regular open source / Linux meetup is re-launched for upcoming months (1st Saturdays of each month)!

What will we do ?

bring our open source / Linux questions and ideas to workshop to seek for answers, helps, ideas from others.
in 5-min lightning talks / 25-min talk, present and share your experience, knowledge to us.
assist newbies to install Linux on their own laptops, tell and discuss why and how to use open source / Linux to/with newbies
meet with old friends, making new friends, building your own social network.
having informal dinner together after workshops and chit-chat!
Suggested topics of the month by participants:

(14:45) 25 mins - Tuning the JVM for Extreme Low Latency (Sunny Chan / Hong Kong Java User Group)
(15:15) 25 mins - Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) talk #2 (@wanleung)
(15:45) 5-min lightening talk - Latest version of Linux Deepin (Sun Xilin).
(15:55) Workshop - Trial installation of OLPC XO School Server on a fanless MiniATX system. (@wanleung & TK Kang / One Laptop Per Child)
(15:55) Free Discussion - bring our open source / Linux questions and ideas to workshop to seek for answers, helps, ideas from others.
Registration: https://www.facebook.com/events/183641821728552/ or email to webmaster@opensource.hk

Meet John O'Duinn, the Director of Release Engineering of Mozilla
Jan 26 (Thu) 19:30-22:30 Venue:TBC

John O'Duinn, the Director of Release Engineering of Mozilla, will be in Hong Kong. He would like to meet people in Hong Kong who are interested in Mozilla, Firefox, etc.


Registration: https://www.facebook.com/events/222500921164809/ or email to webmaster@opensource.hk

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