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賣藝者言2007@平民班房: 「論電影作者」 _ 電影選播 : 《夜》(La Notte)


People's Classroom 2007

論電影作者 Auteurism

2007.07.18 星期三 Wed

電影選播 : 《夜》(La Notte)

米高安哲羅‧安東尼奧尼 Michelangelo Antonioni  


1961 柏林影展金熊獎

1962 意大利電影新聞記者協會最佳導演、最佳配樂、最佳女配角 (蒙妮卡‧維蒂) 銀帶獎

1962 芬蘭胡西獎最佳外語女主角 (珍‧摩露)

意大利語對白 英文字幕 122 min 黑白 1961

Giovanni, a successful writer, and his wife Lydia visit their friend Tommaso who is dying in hospital. After their visit Giovanni goes to a promotion party for his new book, Lydia visits their old living area of Milano. They meet back at home and decide to visit the party of a billionaire, who wants Giovanni to write a book about the history of his company. Both have flirts, and they both notice this fact. Lydia phones the hospital and is informed, that Tommaso is dead. In the morning she tells her husband that she doesn't love him anymore.

1961 Golden Berlin Bear in Berlin International Film Festival

1962 Silver Ribbon for Best Director, Best Score and Best Supporting Actress (Monica Vitti) in Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists

1962 Diploma of Merit for Foreign Actress (Jeanne Moreau) in Jussi Awards

B/W Film Italian Dialogues with English Subtitle 122 min 1961

時間 : 2007.07.18 Wed 7.30 pm

地點 : 香港獨立媒體 @ 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道365號富德樓9字樓

Inmedia 9/F Fu Tak Building, 365 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong.

電話 : 2147 0788

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