




Dear friends,
Warm solidarity greetings!
We are sending an open invitation to everyone who is interested in joining us in protesting against the policies of the American government at the U.S. consulate on July 4.

On their own Independence Day, we shall stage the picket to remind the U.S. government of its endless crimes against humanity, specifically the spate of violations it has committed on people detained in its Guantanamo Bay security facility.

Several prisoners have committed suicide by hanging themselves due to the worsening conditions they experienced there. We all know the magnitude of the violations and the deprivation of the human rights of the detained people.
Is this the kind of democracy and advancement of human rights that the Bush government mouths? Not to mention the growing number of violent deaths of journalists and civilians in Iraq. Not to mention the immigrants in their own country that they are attacking right now.


This shall be our call, among many others, on Tuesday.

For those interested, let us gather at the ground level of the HSBC in Central (by the lion statues) at 12:30PM. We will start marching at 1PM.
Please contact Rey at 9588-9491 or e-mail him at this address for more information or suggestions.
Thank you very much.

In solidarity,
Rey Asis (Asian Students Association)
Rose Wu (Hong Kong Christian Institute)