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Open Letter to HKSAR from Pacific Rim Community Design Network Regarding Choi Yuen Village






About Pacific Rim Community Design Network
環太平洋社區設計網絡成立於1998年,在一個舉辦於加州大學柏克萊分校的會議「海岸迴聲:環太平洋的民主設計」("Coastal Echoes: Democratic Design in the Pacific Rim,")結束後,一群主要來自日本、台灣、美國、致力於社區設計領域的學者和專業實踐者發起了這個網絡召集,透過定期會議交流、合作計畫,環太平洋社區設計網絡期望能促進有志參與式設計和規劃的跨域、跨境交流,分享經驗,促進彼此的專業實踐和研究,形成討論平台,使社區設計在這個政治和社會脈絡均迅速變遷的環太平洋區域保持能量。十多年來成員持續增加,香港、韓國、泰國、加拿大也陸續有新成員參與。


Dear HKSAR government,

We are professionals and scholars from the Pacific Rim community, including US, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Canada, etc. We have learned of the unprecedented opposition against the construction of highly controversial high-speed rail in January this year, which will not only uproot 200 households in Choi Yuen village but affect over 10 thousand urban residents because the underground tunnel is only 30 meters below run-down flats built in the 1950s. Despite the approval of the 66.9 billion HKD project-- the most expensive in the history of high-speed rail, the villagers refuse to be uprooted from the village and then housed in urban flats. We've learned that, instead, they choose a much harder way, which is to purchase a piece of land collectively and rebuild an eco-village where they can live and farm together as before. Our network is fascinated by the self-help spirit of the villagers in upholding their way of life despite all the difficulties. Yet, we feel deeply sorry to know that HKSAR has not been actively helping the would-be-dislocated villagers realize their plan. Moreover, the villagers’ strong will to reconstruct a new village is not appreciated nor respected. From site visits, news, and videos, we learned that the demolition of the old village started on November 4 before the construction of the new village. It is very difficult for us to believe that this kind of forced-eviction is to be enacted in a world-class city like Hong Kong.

More strikingly, we learned that their crops and field were bulldozed without fair compensation. It reminds us of the unfortunate case in Dapu in Taiwan this summer, which is a dispute over compulsory purchase for a science park. In a moment when food security is a global issue, it is indeed disappointing for us to find the kind of scene, excavators demolishing crops in the field, taking place again in Hong Kong.

We appreciate Hong Kong being a significant city contributing to the Pacific Rim community. We believe that it is possible for HKSAR to show its international friends that human right, food, and land, are well respected in Hong Kong. Here, we sincerely ask you to provide the villagers enough time until they can reconstruct their new homes in the new village. Also, please respect agricultural practice and precious land as much as possible by providing fair and decent compensation to those who need it. It will be a very meaningful case to upcoming development in the New Territory and other places around the world. We believe that by following these recommendations Hong Kong can present to the world its uniqueness among global cities.


Pacific Rim Community Design Network1(環太平洋社區設計網絡)

Endorsement from individual member(網絡成員及個人連署名單)
Boting Zhang, College of Built Environments, University of Washington, USA
Alex Tulinsky Built Environment PhD, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Amit Ittyerah M Arch student, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Caroline Chen, Ph.D. candidate, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, University of California at Berkeley, USA
Chu-joe Hsia, Professor/Director, Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Daniel B. Abramson, Associate Professor of Urban Design and Planning, University of Washington, USA
Deni Ruggeri, Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture and Allied Arts, University of Oregon, USA
Elise Youn Elise Youn, Ph.D. student, UCLA, USA
Graeme Bristol, Executive Director, Centre for Architecture and Human Rights, Canada/Thailand
Huang Hui-Hsin, Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Jayde Lin Roberts, College of Built Environments, University of Washington, USA
Jeff Hou, Chair, Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture, University of Washington, USA
Jim Diers, Associate faculty in Landscape Architecture and Social Work, University of Washington, USA
Jiawen Hu Built Environment PhD student, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
John K.C. Liu, Professor, Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Kimmy Chen, Senior Associate, Bay-Feiendly QLP, QATES+Associate, USA
Liao, Kuei-Hsien, Ph.D. candidate, College of Built Environments, University of Washington, USA
Liling Huang, Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Liz Maly, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University, Japan
Manish Chalana, Assistant Professor, Urban Design and Planning, University of Washington, USA
Marcia McNally, Center for Ecological Democracy, SAVE International, USA
Michael Siu, Public Design Lab, School of Design, PolyU, Hong Kong
Mike Douglass, Professor, Urban and Regional Planning, Executive Director, Globalization Research Center, University of Hawai'i, USA
Randy Hester, Center for Ecological Democracy, SAVE International, USA
Sasala Taiban, Assistant professor, Department of Tourism, Tajen University, Taiwan
Sibyl Diver, University of California -Berkeley, USA
Shu-Mei Huang, Ph.D. candidate, College of Built Environments,University of Washington, USA
Sohyun Park, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Seoul National University, Korea
Takehiko Endo Takehiko Endo, Landscape Design and Management, University of Hyogo, Japan
Tamesuke Nagahashi, Associate Professor, College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Yuhjean Chen, National Taiwan University Building and Planning Foundation, Taiwan