
美國大學校園的 "關注伊斯蘭法西斯週"

從 facebook 收到一個 youtube 的短片, 反對共和黨 David Horowitz於十月22-26日於幾百家學校舉行的 "關注伊斯蘭法西斯週" 活動. 這個活動是有史以來最大型的保守派動員. 而其目標乃攻擊大學中的伊期蘭學生組織與性別研究系.

自布殊執政以來, 共和黨一直打擊美國學術界的左派, 而 David Horowitz 更發起了左派學者黑名單, 鼓動親共和黨的學生進行批鬥活動. 批判陣型希望於 "關注伊斯蘭法西斯週" 期間, 揭穿共和黨的種族法西斯主義傾向. 以下是影片的詳細介紹:

David Horowitz and his army of Campus Republicans are launching
"Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" October 22-26 on hundreds of campuses
across the country. They are ominously calling this "the biggest
conservative campus protest ever." Invoking '60's themes like "free
speech" and combating the "oppression of women in Islam" as a cover,
they plan to harass Muslim Student Associations and Women's Studies
Departments, and silence anyone that questions the Bush regime's
official narrative, including even those concerned about global warming!

the Bush regime's escalating threats toward Iran, the danger of a
complicit campus environment cannot be underestimated. The College
Republicans can claim to be the victim of the "academic left," but
people like them run this country and dominate the world. They are the
ones holding "catch an illegal immigrant day" at the same time as the
Bush regime's ICE raids are ripping apart immigrant families. This is
not just a question of campus politics and a few loud mouth bigots. If
we ignore them, they will NOT go away. They have their sights set on
the last remaining bastions of critical thinking with the aim of
transforming all of society. If they can create an atmosphere at these
colleges where it is okay to be openly racist and reactionary, where
progressive faculty are intimidated by ridiculous claims of "left-wing
academic dictatorship," and radical dissenting ideas are ruled beyond
the pale and off the table...then they have won, not only at the
universities, but in their efforts to remake the social fabric of this
country in a fascist way.

On the other hand, if we can
politically confront these college Republicans and their
"Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week," expose their real agenda, raise
awareness of the growing danger of U.S. fascism and the real fascist
direction that the Bush regime has been taking this country in—the
endless war, the torture, the Patriot Act, the unlimited domestic
spying, and the whole police state infrastructure, the Christian
Fundamentalism that is undermining women's rights, gay peoples rights,
science, and rational thought—and if we can bring forward a radical
student movement that refuses to choose between Islamic Fundamentalism
and the Bush Regime's Christian Fascist war on the world...then we can
turn Horowitz's plan upside down.

This week will either strengthen their side or strengthen OUR side.
bringing forward a determined and uncomprimising student movement on
campuses October 22-26th we can paralyze Horowitz' ability to further
target and blacklist professors and be a major part of transforming
campuses into centers of intellectual ferment, activism, and organized
resistance that are so desperately needed at times like these.