
歡迎參加 12月17日 國際終止暴力對待性工作者日遊行 [( International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers (Dec 17)]

歡迎參加 12月17日 國際終止暴力對待性工作者日遊行 [( International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers (Dec 17)]

歡迎參加   12月17日  國際終止暴力對待性工作者日遊行




今年是第三屆國際終止暴力對待性工作者日,每年各地的性工作者團體都有不同的紀念活動,紀念被暴力對待及殺害的性工作者,要求尊重性工作者的人權。今年適逢是世貿會議進行,各地的性工作者團體(包括: 香港、中國、台灣、日本、泰國及柬埔寨),一同在當天舉行活動遊行及展覽,讓社會了解性工作者的情況,消除對性工作者的暴力。

日期: 17/12/2005 (星期六)

時間: 11:00 a.m.

地點: 灣仔地鐵站(修頓球場)出發往警察總部

內容: 遊行、發言及展覽

查詢電話: 23327182  Elaine  International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers (Dec 17)

Globalization is often generalized as a tool that helps the poor to get rid of poverty, but the other side of the story is that, many people are pulled into poverty. The bankruptcy of rural economy pushes the rural population into the urban areas, where there is not enough job opportunity. Women are often the most vulnerable sector. In order to earn a better living, they turn to work in the sex industry, facing the intolerable working conditions.
On the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers (Dec 17), Zi Teng (sex worker concern organization) is going to march with sex workers from different overseas sex workers  (Japan, Cambodia, Thailand, US.........)from Wanchai  to demonstrate the solidarity and unity among sex workers, to urge to stop any kind of violence against sex workers.

Assemble venue: Wanchai MTR station, Southorn Playground exit
Assemble Time: 11.30am

In addition, we will have an exhibition at the Victorisa Park, displaying sex worker-related pictures, posters, newsclipping and so on to the public. We aim at telling the public how sex workers are discriminated and suppressed in the mainstream society. You are welcome to join our march and exhibition. Please contact Elaine at 2332-7182 if you have any enquiry.

See you!
Zi Teng