


在這個夢中,我猶如進了以前在美國讀書時常常在周未看的科學幻想劇集「外在極限」中的情境,最初一幕我好像是在「Avatar/The Chronicle of Riddick」中的靈魂離體裝置,有一把聲音在指引我,就説科技終於進步到機械人懂得和人類做愛了,又看到一個十分像嵐嵐的女性似乎在帶我遊覽地鐵站或者是太空館不用購票參觀的外圍右側通道,或者是兩者之間的混合物,當時我的視訊接收差得驚人,畫面只是黑白而且似乎還在不斷顫動,説身處地鐵站因為後來看到了古老的售票機,就是入硬幤岀車票這種,當時未有八達通。因為看不淸事物的詳情,只有輪廓,所以她是用一隻手去拉着我手四處走,我只是憑她手給我的觸感來感知/確認是她。她似乎帶了我去她工作的辦事處,這兒只有職員才能進入,而她身上不知何時穿上了一件保安制服,這兒看來又似地鐵的入闡機。這時我再也忍不住了,見四周沒有乘客,她帶我來此當中我覺得隱約有誘惑我的意思,大慨是她以為這時的辦公室一定沒有人,方便我在她身上盡情做我愛做的事,於是即時扯下她底褲就進入她身體,我才發覺一直沒有拉褲鏈,而她的下體本來已經濕了,心想她本來就是新型號的性愛機器,剛才一直沒有幹她,我真是太笨了。這時居然有女職員走出來,她似乎被我把嵐嵐按在地下由後面進入的景象嚇得尖叫,嵐嵐看來完全馴服,我不理女職員逕自在嵐嵐的身體進進出出,她好像在尖叫着:不要幹我後庭,好像她已經接受了和我做愛,只要不是她主動提出就可以,這是她一向的模式;而她的尖叫聲聽來又似享受又似在繼續誘惑我再深入腹地,而在我耳聽來又似咕噜,可能是我接收太差之故。

It was as if I am in the sci-fi drama series The Outer Limit, it was like I am in the Avatar/ Riddick's soul transferring machine's seat in the very beginning of the dream. Then a voice is guiding me, saying 'Finally we evolve to the state where 機械人(robot) is able to make love.' Then I see a female looks like Zenith but can't be certain as the visual reception is as poor as it could be. It is like the shortsightedness of both of my eye compared/combined(I never wear any lens.) So she was showcase me where should be a corridor inside space museum, it also look like MTR station when many ticketing selling machine except here is VERY DARK. I remember she led me by hand, and I keep following her using only the sense of touch in my hand. Then we reach the office of security guard as if she is a security officer, I notice she does wear an uniform like that. It also looks like the gate-keeping machine in MTR station by its very shape. At that point of time, I can no longer contain my desire, so I took off her pant, it was like my zip is already open without I realize. Then push her to the floor and put my thing inside her, knowing she is a machine build for this purpose. I was just damn stupid not doing anything to her during her tour. She reply that she don't do the other hole. As I pull down her underwear I realize it was moist or wet which means she was ready for a long time without me being aware of it. While the door of security office is open and I can see a female walking out, also a few tables. I was busying doing her. She was submissive without any resistance. I realize I may treat a robot as though it was human, I could have just force myself upon her at any moment. But it seems to be too later, as the office lady walk out, she was shock to find out I am fuxxcking a female just in the entrance and run away. Then, like the other dream, I often lost conscious inside the dream when I begin to move back and fro with my thing inside her. As much as I want to be inside the dream and see through the completion of sex, which part of me is just curious how similar is this female robot similar to female: would she reach orgasm, would she cum, would she scream, would she mourn?
At last, I aware without knowing the end of the story.