



篇所謂「報導」指,「英官譴責香港兩宗暴力衝突 形容事件震驚及不能接受」,同埋「英國官員譴責星期日香港發生衝擊中聯辦及元朗暴力衝突,形容事件震驚和不能接受。」


事實係,中東事務大臣Dr Andrew Murrison只曾譴責元朗暴力,並無指衝擊中聯辦是暴力。



Murrison接著說(而cctvb故意沒有報導)「昨晚 [即7月21日晚上] 新界市鎮元朗出現令人不安的場面(disturbing scenes)」,導致45個示威者受傷。

所以當Murrison之後説「我們全部都感到震驚,看到***上述***這種不可接受的暴力場面(SUCH unacceptable scenes of violence)」,當中的「場面 (scenes)」一字,明顯是指元朗事件,而非中聯辦衝突。


再講,以英國外交部一貫滴水不漏的作風,連中聯辦外發生過咩scene都無描述過,會用shock、unacceptable scenes of violence咁強硬的措辭黎形容?國會黎架嗰度,官員講錯嘢有責任架,你估香港立法會咩? lol

Murrison對「所有暴力行為(all violent acts)」的譴責,及「我們不能容許少數的暴力行為掩蓋數十萬人參與合法和平遊行的事實」一句,當然亦要從這個語境理解。



'There have been a number of developments in Hong Kong over the weekend. ...

On Saturday, there was a large rally in the area known as Central in support of the Hong Kong police. Yesterday, hundreds of thousands of people took part in a largely peaceful march on Hong Kong island; however, some protesters diverted from the approved route and there were clashes with the police, including outside the Chinese Central Government liaison office. Last night, there were disturbing scenes in the New Territories town of Yuen Long: a group armed with chains and poles attacked pro-democracy protesters and other passengers at the metro station; 45 protesters were reportedly injured, one critically. We were all shocked to see such unacceptable scenes of violence.'

'I condemn all violent acts, but I stand by people’s right to protest peacefully and lawfully. We must not let the violent actions of a few overshadow the fact that hundreds of thousands of people took part in the march yesterday and did so in a peaceful and lawful manner. In doing so, they were exercising their right to peacefully protest and stand up for their freedoms. We fully support this right, which is guaranteed under the joint declaration. Successive six-monthly reports in this House have highlighted that Hong Kong’s political freedoms have been coming under increasing pressure ...'