![加沙聯合國學校被炸四十死 人道機構呼籲停止殺戮﹝加沙系列﹞](/sites/all/themes/inmedia_2021/images/white.gif)
聯合國近東巴勒斯坦難民救濟和工程處主任John Ging在學校被炸後接受英國廣播公司訪問,講述加沙情況。極為諷刺的是,英國衛報剛剛才發了一篇報道,指加沙居民現在都擠到Jabaliya難民營的聯合國學校,一天不到,學校就被炸了。
加沙陷入全面人道災難 居民苦不堪言﹝國際紅十字會最新記者會﹞
節錄:在一月六日於日內瓦舉行的記者會上,國際紅十字會行動主任Pierre Krähenbühl說加沙平民的情況已達不能容忍的地步,他呼籲交戰各方協助,令國際紅十字會和巴勒斯坦紅新月會的救援人員能開始救援行動。
....Pierre Krähenbühl說:「﹝加沙﹞人們都很害怕;家長擔心孩子的安全,很多平民被夾在戰鬥雙方之間。過去的晚上是連日來最令人驚恐的。」.....他強調加沙的情況在這輪戰鬥發生以前就已經極端惡劣,數月前,國際紅十字會的人員曾表示,由於以色列自二零零七年中開始對加沙地帶的封鎖和入口限制,加沙的情況早已瀕臨崩潰.....
以軍地面進攻加沙 戰爭法問題受關注﹝人權監察文章﹞
節錄:As an Israeli ground offensive in Gaza gets underway, both Israeli and Palestinian forces must address heightened civilian protection concerns because of likely combat in densely populated urban areas, Human Rights Watch said today. Both sides must stringently abide by the laws of war, including taking all feasible measures to avoid harm to civilians and facilitating access for humanitarian workers and medical personnel.
Human Rights Watch investigations of previous ground operations in Gaza and the West Bank by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) found evidence of unlawful killings by Israeli forces. In addition, Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups fired rockets or conducted other military operations from densely populated areas, placing civilians at risk of serious harm.....
英國廣播公司也有一篇類似的文章,題目是「到底誰是平民?」﹝Who is a civilian?﹞
節錄:More than a week after air strikes started on Gaza Strip and following the beginning of the land incursion of Israeli forces, surgical services are overwhelmed and in need of surgeons specialised in vascular surgery in order to deal with the number of wounded. In Gaza city, the intensive care unit of Shifa referral hospital has reached the limits of its capacity. The insecurity is preventing patients needing post operative follow up and health personnel from reaching health structures...
Three expatriate volunteers of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) - a field coordinator, a doctor and a nurse arrived in Gaza Strip on Wednesday the 31st of December, to reinforce the local teams composed of 35 health personnel. The intensity of the bombing hasn’t allowed MSF to continue with post-operative care in the MSF clinic in Khan Younis in the south. This clinic has been closed since the beginning of the air raids, and is now no longer accessible from the north as the Gaza Strip has been cut in two.....
節錄:As the number of casualties continues to mount, civilians in Gaza are in increasingly dire need of food, medical and other emergency assistance, Amnesty International said on Wednesday.
International humanitarian and human rights workers, as well as journalists, have not been allowed into Gaza by the Israeli army since the beginning of November, with the exception of a few journalists who were allowed in for a couple of days earlier in December.
......As attacks continue, Amnesty International called on the Israeli authorities, the Hamas de-facto administration and all other Palestinian armed groups to stop all unlawful attacks. They must not target civilians and buildings not being used for military purposes, whether through air or artillery strikes or home-made rockets, and must take all precautions necessary to protect civilians from the dangers caused by military operations.
....."Israeli forces must bear in mind that there are no ‘safe’ places in Gaza for civilians to seek shelter. They know how densely populated the Jabalia Refugee Camp is and that the homes are mostly light structures with flimsy asbestos roofs and not able to withstand the effect of strikes. Strikes are virtually sure to kill and injure civilians” said Amnesty International. "The Israeli army must not carry out attacks which pose a disproportionate risk to civilians. They must always choose means and methods of attack that are least likely to harm civilians.”