

香港政府話自蠱惑天皇一案後, 香港的BT下載活動少了八成, 上個星期, 國內的同胞成立p2p聯盟, 要把點對點的交流正規化.

一直以來, 香港政府把BT與侵權等同起來, 並花大量公帑去監察, 使香港BT使用者大跌80%, 這是極之憨居的行為. 點對點的交換和互動是網絡發展的大勢, 如此打擊, 其實亦在打擊市民參與互聯網的慾望, 使香港科技普及落後. 難怪香港的經濟發展排名跌到第二十八位. 多得庸碌的工商科技部門!

聯盟是由internet society of china成立的:

 The new Alliance encourages the development of intellectual property containing P2P network application core technologies, and it will regulate the technology's application and promotion based on intellectual property rights. It will also bridge the government's supervisory role in this area.

P2P enables users to communicate and share Internet-based information without being linking to a main server. Therefore, it makes communications more direct, interactive and convenient.

P2P technologies have also been blamed for the easy downloading and dissemination of copyright materials like music and movies. ISC plans to help regulate Chinese companies' activities to ensure that illegal activities are not spawned by P2P in China.
