文末是教統局04年全港系統評估 “小三” 英語讀寫的一部份,此卷作答時間30分鐘。以下部份佔試卷一半內容,學生需要答10條問題 (即只得15分鐘作答)。說真的,我也覺得倉促。
回想當年小學階段只是學些簡易英文生字及句法,可現在3年班已要求不低的閱讀與理解能力 (卻被稱作基本能力,一如 "基" 準試)。
但實情是對平均九歲而以英語作為外語 (對,是外語 (foreign language 而不是第二語言 (second language)) 的大部份小三學生而言,這怎能稱作基本能力?雖然教統局暫將評估保密,但相信不久將來亦難逃成為家長選校的指標,在招生不足與殺校的壓力下,很多小三學生開始被迫進行操練,由於試卷跟大多香港學生語文水平相距甚遠,學校的操練亦變得工具與策略性,即更多專注於應答技巧。
可憐的學校與教師,他們面對操練與不操練的兩難 (結果是扼殺學生學習興趣或因招生不足而致殺校) ;可憐的家長,眼見自己可愛的孩子接受機械式的操練,他們還有選擇嗎?還有可憐的小學生,尤其那些出身背景一般的小學生,香港教育不是為你們而設的,遊戲規則不是依你們的能力而訂的,當你們才剛學行,便被要求跟別人賽跑,這樣的遊戲本身便是不公義。
香港教育現時最需要的是自主的空間,自主的先決條件是自我接納與肯定,隨而跟據自己的能力與志趣進行開拓與改善。而不是現在教育管理層高高在上的拋出各種 “基本” 要求,強迫全港學校跟從。但香港執掌教育的管理層,隨了一刀切式的管理暴力,他們真樂意咨詢嗎?
下文引自 http://www.systemassessment.edu.hk/2004paper/eng/E1B.pdf
Part 3A
Mrs Chan is reading “The Three Rabbits” to the children.
Read the first part of the story.
Daisy, Flopsy and Bunny
are sisters.
One day, they go to the
park. They hear a loud noise.
Then they see a big shadow.
Oh! It’s a big bear. The bear
walks up to them very slowly.
She is hungry. She wants to
eat the rabbits.
Daisy says, “Don’t eat me.
I’m too fat. Eat my sisters.”
Flopsy says, “Don’t eat
me. I’m too thin. Eat my
The bear looks at Bunny.
Bunny smiles and says,
“I’m too small. Don’t eat me!
Come to my house and have
dinner with me. I have a lot
of food at home. ”
“OK,” says the bear.
Read the second part of the story.
Bunny takes the bear
home. They have a big dinner.
After that, the bear gives
Bunny a box.
The bear says, “Terrific!
The food is very nice.
You’re a good rabbit. This
little box is for you. Open it
and make three wishes. You
can ask for anything you
“Thank you,” Bunny says
and opens the box…
The bear says, “…This little box is for you. Open it and make
three wishes. You can ask for anything you like.”