昨天又幫綠色和平當了一天的臨時工, 抗議中電污染. 細讀了其財務報告, 又聽了立法會的解釋, 覺得現在叫香港人節約能源是完全沒用. 就算我們整個炎夏不用冷氣, 風扇, 中電並不會因為香港人減少用電而發少了電, 因為它的電可以賣給廣東省. 最過份的是, 香港政府(即香港市民), 要補貼這公司在外地的生意.
中電代表理直氣壯的在立法會說, 我們不供電給他們, 他們要用柴油去發電, 污染結果不是更嚴重嗎?
如果中電真的那麼關注環境, 為什麼不另外在大陸進行投資, 而要利用香港人的錢去為它增大固定資產, 然後做其生意, 賺大錢? 而且造成的廢氣是直接在青山發電廠一帶放出?
去完立法會後, 我真的很氣憤, 想著自己常常為了省電, 環保不開冷氣, 結果得個桔, 對於中電高層, 大概就是傻妹一名, 它絕對不會因為我省電而減掉燒煤的機組.
最令人氣憤的是政府, 明明定了廢氣派放指標, 兩電當佢無到, 大大聲講話一定做唔到, 而當中的折衷, 極有可能是與廣東省進行排污交易. 問題是, 現在廣東省對於其境內廢氣排放量根本沒有統計(連有多少非法電廠都不知道), 所謂的排污配額就等於透過大陸政府的手亂篤數, 把自己的環保責任御得光光淨淨. 環保署明知這種交易的黑幕, 卻為了自己被遣責而接受, 明顯是愚民的舉動.
面對著企業和政府的不負責任舉動, 環保運動一定要與他們對著幹, 並與政治結合, 要不然, 所謂的消費者運動, 只是自欺欺人.
我會繼續少用冷氣, 但亦要看到我少用冷氣的真實效果, 而不是但求心安理得.
今天又看到英國綠色和平有關於去中心化能源的報告, 整個報告78頁字, 簡本在這裡. 其中有幾個不錯的建議:
1. The Government to use the tax system to reward householders and businesses that install DE technologies such as solar panels, micro-wind turbines or cogeneration systems. Tax incentives could include reduced stamp duty, council tax or business rates for properties capable of generating their own electricity, and expanded capital allowances for businesses.
2. All new buildings to be required to incorporate DE technologies. This would steadily cut emissions from the building stock and enable the retirement of power stations, while also transforming the economics of DE by creating economies of scale and cutting installation costs.
3. Local sustainable electricity systems to be encouraged through the removal of current limits on the development of private wires. Limits on the export of power from these sustainable local systems should be raised. Together these measures would enable electricity consumers increasingly to choose clean local power over dirty centralised power.
4. Local government to become a key player in moving to sustainable energy systems. There should be area-based CO2 reduction targets, along with a statutory requirement for all councils to develop an energy strategy.
5. All electricity suppliers to be required to purchase surplus electricity from domestic power generators, at rates that will ensure the take-off of domestic generation.
6. Inefficient, centralised power stations to be heavily penalised to reflect the damage they cause and to ensure that the most polluting are closed. One way to do this would be to tighten up the European Emissions Trading Scheme. In addition, supplementary fiscal measures could be enacted at UK level, such as a tax on waste heat.
7. No new fossil-fuel generation to be permitted unless it includes cogeneration.
8. A nationwide network of biomass or biogas cogeneration plants to be developed, with Regional Development Agencies playing a leading role.
9. Energy regulation to be completely overhauled. Ofgem should be transformed into a sustainable energy regulator with its primary duty being to deliver substantial emissions reductions through the encouragement of DE. BETTA (British Electricity Trading & Transmission Arrangements) should be replaced with a more flexible and responsive system, which encourages genuine competition, and rewards rather than penalises cogeneration and renewables.
10. The publication of a Decentralised Energy White Paper. Instead of a new white paper on nuclear power, the Government should pull together all relevant parties to set out the necessary steps for a coherent and rapid transition to a decentralised energy system.