







我們仍會繼續接受聯署,有興趣的校友/同學,請隨時致電 98003204 或電郵至 [email protected] 與中大學生會幹事胡浩堂同學聯絡,聯署請註明中文姓名、畢業年份(或年級)、所屬書院及學系,亦請各位廣傳給其他相識的中大校友及同學。謝謝!


捍衛中大理想小組 暨 香港中文大學學生會謹啟




(新版) 請聯署:哭中大---致中大師生的公開信




中大﹕英語授課僅一成 回應學生會大字報「不實指控」

中大聲明謂雙語政策不變 但稱八成學系決收國際生










方曉舒: 粗口與咄咄逼人的語言:也來哭中大學生會

中大﹕英語授課僅一成 回應學生會大字報「不實指控」





關子尹:借德經驗 勿捨漢取英

戴遠雄:捍衛中大精神 反對國際化





[維園阿伯] 大學國際化






明報 喬菁華









~_~ I agree with that

-- kchken 於 January 31, 2005 12:13 PM

不是要反對國際化, 但......

難道中大創校精神, 只能於中文系、哲學系、歷史系的大部分課程中體現嗎? 又或者, 只有選讀中文系、哲學系、歷史系的大部分課程, 才能領略中大的中國文化精神?

不是要反對國際化, 而是要對國際化有通盤的認識. 更重要是不能一刀切, 可是以校方一貫的手法, 只有學生關注一下, 才有望出現一個妥協的手法, 否則中文大學很快便要改名了. 希望社會人士不要只被國際化之好處所迷惑, 而要從多角度暸解此事.

-- Jacky Lee 於 January 31, 2005 07:10 PM



我們認為,作者如此抵觸英語授課是嚴重排斥外來學生、眼中心中沒有他人的表現。抵觸中大的“國際化”趨勢、就能維護中文大學的傳統嗎?作為國際化大學的一員,如此的坐井觀天、以幼稚的方式 “反英抗美”,難道這就是有理可據、就是理智麼?


-- 叶子 於 January 31, 2005 11:34 PM

中學搞母語, 大學搞外語, 點搞?
其實我覺得事件涉及更大的問題: 在教改下, 大部份中學都以母語教, 而大學的核心必修課則用英文教, 是矛盾的政策...

而且在落實這政策的時候, 一般的做法是老師在開學第一課是問有沒有人聽不明廣東話, 如果沒有人的話就會用廣東話講, 否則就用英文; 但大陸的同學可能既聽不明廣東話, 又聽不明英文, 那麼英文究竟在為誰服務呢? 就為了學校國際化的形象?

特首話要學中央政府要以人為本, 這又是否以人為本呢?

-- 阿藹 於 February 01, 2005 12:03 AM







-- fred 於 February 01, 2005 12:28 AM


-- 子華 於 February 01, 2005 12:33 AM

回應葉子: 普通話不是母語
其實我看到那一句“很不幸也很諷刺地,我們的大陸同胞,較香港人更看不起自己的語言,只會挑那些以英語授課的香港的大學來讀。”我亦覺得很不對勁, 有點歧視性的想像, 後悔沒有電郵給組織者改錯...

不過要指出的是普通話不是絕大多數中國同胞的母語, 我們的母語有廣東話, 福建話, 湖南話, 湖北話, 上海話, 東北話, 四川話... 普通話只是官方語言. 所以很多時候不是英文令到大陸同胞看不起自己的母語, 而是普通話, 在大陸大學裡, 說得滿口鄉下話的人就給人看不起, 很多人都來壓抑自己的母語. 當然, 可以說廣東話也不是香港的母語, 因為我們有很多潮州人, 福建人, 霸權與邊緣的界線永遠是一種政治...

-- 阿藹 於 February 01, 2005 12:47 AM


不過,也請葉子能平和地想一想,為什麼會提出要求中大師生(當然要把老師也包括在內吧)一起學好普通話去遷就幾百名交流生的想法,而非更合乎情理地要求自己及同來自內地的學生先學好廣東話然後去上課? 語言隱含的權力關係對你來說,真的那麼理所當然嗎?



-- 熊一豆 於 February 01, 2005 01:04 AM

Really? CU students' English is worse???
Response to somebody's theory about 'CU students have a lower English standard than HKU students'.
People tend to ignore the effect of inputs in a lot of situations. Like people think that famous schools are better because their students have better academic results. In this case, it is the same. HKU asks for at least a 'D' in HKALE AS UE, while CU asks for 'E'. And there are specific departments with different requirements. That may be the case, perhaps HKU students speak better English, but does it necessarily imply that English education in HKU is better than in CUHK? If one can make such an assumption with such a superficial impression, then we have to challenge the logique of this person, because there is no relationship between the result and the proposed reason.
Why trying to KILL CUHK and kill its special, independent culture? Why...

-- Frostig 於 February 01, 2005 01:05 AM

I speak Cantonese, it is true. I know it is a dialect, clearer than anybody else. But, if you think that the 'NATIONAL LAGUAGE' or 'OFFICIAL LANGUAGE' should be my mother tongue, then I am very sorry, please learna tiny little bit more about Linguistics.
I know that people have been misunderstanding that Putonghua WAS our mother tongue. But then, if a dialect can't be your mother tongue, how about Malaysians and Indonesians? Who should treat the others' language as mother tongue? How about Swiss German? Can they possibly call high German (Hoch Deutsch)their mother tongue, which they may not be able to speak or even understand at all. And the Indians and Chinese in Malaysian should call Malaysian mother tongue?
Funny theory, funny thought!
How ridiculous it can be if everyone follow your logic???
I just want to point out that, mother tongue is what we learn, probably from our parents, ever since we were born. Some people can be bilangual, trilangual, etc. Even if you can speak your second or thrid language(s) as fluent as native speakers, it is not your mother tongue.
So, except those from Beijing, who can say Putonghua is their mother tongue? If one (and anyone) wants to replace all Chinese dialects with Putonghua, I will be the first one standing against it to fight for this culture-killing practice. It is another support to globalisation, helping to clear away multi-cultural roots in our country. And use of Putonghua solely is a means against diversification......
Please take some time try to understand the serious problem behind this problematice thought!
Thank you very much!

-- Frostig 於 February 01, 2005 01:20 AM














-- 無慧 於 February 01, 2005 03:15 AM



"The Steering Committee on Internationalization of Student Mix will, in the light of the readiness or otherwise of programmes to offer courses taught in English, propose to the Resource Allocation Committee an allocation of the non-local intake quota across different programmes. This non-local quota caters for both international students and students from the mainland. It is noted that most of the latter do not speak Cantonese and indicates that an English-speaking academic environment is one of the main reasons for choosing a university in Hong Kong over those on the mainland. "



-- 無慧 於 February 01, 2005 03:23 AM




1, 整個改制完全是黑箱作業,老師及同學完全沒有被諮詢,且在極短時間內推行,根本不考慮老師及同學是否能夠承受這麼大的轉變;
2, 整個學校有八成學系會轉為英文教授,而且聲稱是各學系自己同意的!想想,中大一夜之間便崩潰了,沒有人吭聲?四十年的母語教育的成果,一下便都自我否定,都不要了?支持母語教育便是反國際化?反多元化?因為學生不求上進?




-- 無慧 於 February 01, 2005 03:48 AM

feedback to 葉子
I am not a CU old boy and not interested in the arguments in principles among CU guys.

I just want to say that my mother only speaks in Cantonese so that my mother tongue is Cantonese, without a choice.

The forceful promotion of Putonghua makes me sick and please dun change my monther's hometown and language with your argonat attitude. To me, Putonghua is just a foreign language like English. What is worse is that Putonghua is just an artifical language for the ease of communication within China as a working or learning language. Strictly speaking, Putonghua is nobody's monther tongue.

If you dun want to learn Cantonese, please stay in mainland to twist your tongue.

-- 錢恨少 於 February 01, 2005 09:23 AM

印度有上千種語言,無限多的 "母語", 只有強勢的語言和弱勢的語言,不會有任何一種語言自認方言。目前印度能夠統一全國的,只有英語,大部份印度大學都說前度殖民者的語言:即英語。
在普通話和白話書面語未成為中國的國語之前,中國也沒有國語和方言的區分。香港大學 HKU 的創辦,就是要訓練會說英語的中國人,當時還未有五四白話文運動,和印度的情況差不多。HKU的創辦目的,就是想訓練更多會說英語的中國人,將來甚至以英語作為中國的國語。如果不是五四出現那一批人推廣白話文為國語,可能全中國今日都在說英語。

-- 子華 於 February 01, 2005 10:00 AM

為了回應上述的討論, 中大學生會改了哭中大書的用語.

-- webmaster 於 February 01, 2005 11:40 AM

咁想問下,咁喜歡中文教學,咁點解唔用所有中國人都講0既普通話?呢d 係過去搞中文運動0既人都無想清楚0既問題。依家強調母語,反而排斥 "中國人",點解?
一個以廣東話為目標的母語運動,係好有 "港獨" 色彩0既口號,就好似台灣依家0既母語運動,就係俾人睇成台獨運動0既一部份,話佢地 "排外" 、"去中國"。
以前中文運動係好似愛國,依家反而係有 "去中國" 之嫌。

-- 人丁 路 於 February 01, 2005 12:55 PM







或許有人又會說,現在談的是大學,中學經驗是out of the context。我正想告知,在中大,除了主修的英文科用英文之外,我讀哲學、社會、藝術等其他選修科時,實在體會了中學時從缺的學習興趣。生澀難懂以英文書成的理論著作,能夠以廣東話與同學、導師一起討論,我體會到學習的樂趣。




-- 熊一豆 於 February 01, 2005 03:04 PM






-- 無為 於 February 01, 2005 03:34 PM


其實大部份國家都係用自己0既國語,國語就唔一定係每個人0既母語。司徒華當年都無搞清楚。老實講,講不同母語0既人,都要學同一種國語,其實都係被逼,即係透過禁制方言,有d手段係好粗暴。廣東人講普通話今日仍然係好爛,但係你去廣州問下,廣東的大學生係唔係可以 "舒舒服服" 用廣東話,點解?一係國家逼落來,規定。二係同學來自全國各地,唔講普通話講乜?

-- 人丁 路 於 February 01, 2005 04:40 PM

由市場決定吧. 如果多用中文真的會令中大不受歡迎, 這是香港的悲哀, 但各位也要體諒校方的難處吧.

多位論者提及錢賓四先生, 但我相信, 錢先生在新亞的年代是說國語的對不? 如果在尊師重道的角度而言, 可否考慮以老師最擅長的語言教學以達最佳效果?

-- 錢恨少 於 February 01, 2005 04:47 PM


-- 人丁 路 於 February 01, 2005 04:51 PM

Please respect fact!
I know that this was not the topic of this discussion, but I am even more interested than this issue now...
I also knew that ‘民國成立,全國上下沒有統一的國語,在一次會議投票選定民國官方語言,廣東話只以一票之微落選。’ And in fact, you can ask ANY academician who studies old Chinese literature, he or she will be able to tell you that Cantonese is much more similar to 古漢語 than the so-called ‘普通’的‘普通話’, which actually is something artificial (although extremely similar to Beijing DIALECT). I haven't made it up. Officially it is stated that PTH (Putonghua) was CREATED basing on northern dialects with Beijing dialect as the major ingredient. So, BASING on 北京話, PTH was set up, then the poor, unlucky Chinese people were forced to learn such a 'mixed language' and to call it your 'mother tongue'. Chinese is my 'first language' or 'first literate' preferable, as Chinese is not exactly a spoken language, but a written literate. But Mandarin is just a TOOL for me to comunicate with all other Chinese with different MOTHER TONGUES, like English for many other people, e.g. Japanese, Koreans, Indians, etc.
Have I made myself clear enough now? In case you still have any doubt, please feel free to contact me or discuss it openly in inmediahk.net.

P.S. In Shanghei, they also use Shanghei dialect in teaching ga!!! (According to reliable informant, who was born and grew up in Shanghei) And according to your logic, what is the official language of HK? Should we all been using ENglish in school (as it is not specific which LANGUAGE of Chinese LITERATE is the other official language)? So, please look around...... For example, Switzerland has very high quality education (only European University outside the UK in high position in the survey of 上海交通大學 is in Switzerland), students use their local dialect to learn until they reach an age of 6 to 10 (depends on their Canton and what language they speak and learn). For example, Zurich Canton requires pupils to start learning English as soon as they start learning German, and only German is one of the four national languages. Before that, they learn and speak Swiss German (or saay Zurcher German) (as explaint before, this dialect is VERY different from the real German, even Germans can't understand Swiss German most of the time)only, even when they go to play school and kindergarten. Do these examples show you the difference of MOTHER TONGUE and official language clearly? And, the policy in CHina is different in every city or province, I suppose.

-- Frostig 於 February 01, 2005 07:18 PM


-- 小狼 於 February 01, 2005 08:14 PM


-- 小西 於 February 02, 2005 02:56 AM

Hey, it is so good to have Frostig the linguist here. Your information about Shanghai and Switzerland is very useful. But would you tell us more about when do the Swiss start to turn to learn 'national language' or foreign language like English? And how is the language policy of their universities? I think it is important for the present debate since the argument of 'the effectiveness of mother tongue education' has been circulating for so long by people who advocate 'Chinese education' here. What you tell me is about their study in kindergarten or primary level school (as in HK). But the crucial point here is whether this argument (i.e. mother tongue education is more effective) can be extended to the university level.





民族主義和地方主義的矛盾全世界都有,但是在香港人人都像要迴避這個問題。歷史上南方語言被邊緣化,香港人要保衛廣東話的語言權利,就要保衛地方的自主性。但香港政府並不是一個保衛香港自主性的政府。教育界亦朝北望,踐踏母語教育為沒有出路的 "方言教育"。

母語教育怎會是理所當然,放在任何一個程度的教育都作為最高原則的呢?全世界除了北京、美國、倫敦等母語就等如國語的地方才說得通。因為他們若非世界中心就是國家中心。否則,地方語言和國語總是有一種拉扯對立,而結果就是某種compromise ,如果compromise 無法達成,每一個族群都不能接受以其他一個族群的語言為強勢國語,就會用外語,印度就是這個情況,星加坡也是這個情況。(所以,葉子的邏輯並不全荒謬,因為北方大陸人來到不想用廣東話,他們感到像去了另一個國家,香港學生又不想用普通話,於是就想用英語.....其實同印度情況一樣)



-- 子華 於 February 02, 2005 09:25 AM

the captioned guy posted a new article on the subject which is similar in contents but different in tone with that of 喬菁華. I heard that both 左 and 喬 are the pen names of 香樹輝

-- 錢恨少 於 February 02, 2005 12:39 PM


-- 無為 於 February 02, 2005 02:28 PM






-- webmaster 於 February 02, 2005 02:39 PM

學生會同學希望將inmedia之內的各種有關國際化、中大更改教學語言的討論剪輯,放上網站或待日後有機會作印刷發表。希望就此,得到各位發言者同意。如果有發言者不同意,請寄電郵到[email protected],學生會同學會尊重發言者的意願。


-- t sw 於 February 05, 2005 04:10 PM (按此看回應全文)












中大電子快訊第 2.5 期

-- 小西 於 February 06, 2005 01:58 AM (按此看回應全文)

Thanks, 子華 !
I am not a linguist (although I dream to be one), but it is the passion
and liking towards languages and cultures which drove me here. I can
only speak Cantonese, English (Windsor accent, if somebody insist to
distinguish 'different English', and I hate American English in fact,
while I am rather good at learning (pretending) the accents of Japanese
English, Malaysian/Singaporean English, and sometimes Indian English
(but there are a lot of variations for Indian English), Putonghua
fluently also I manage to communicate with the locals in French (still
learning, of course)and have been learning German at the same time.
Well, and I have learnt a bit Japanese, and think of self-studying it
at a later stage. A bit unrelated to the discussion, my dream is to
master (at least speak fluently)ten languages by 50 years old. And
learning more languages to me is not because I want to hear people say,
'Wa, you are so great!', but to understand their cultures. In my point
of view (totally from my personal experience), to understand one
culture, you have to reach their language. From the languages, you see
the basic differences of the nature of that nationality. For instance,
German is a VERY VERY rigid laguages. You have to match every word in
a sentence with the correct gender and whether it should be in plural
or singular, otherwise, it is wrong grammatically. It is a horrible
language to learn for foreigners. And from this feature (rigid, full
of rules sometimes without reasons at all) of German (the language),
you can already expect the strict personalities of Germans, and it is
very true as well. They respects and follows rules and are usually
inflexible. And for French, they are renowed as being romantic, and I
found it quite true, as romentic really means 'following the mood',
which is very likely to be the case. French is a language with a very
casual, informal spoken language (ignore the 'accent' thing, please)
while locals basically speak in 'another format' (rather like the case
of Cantonese in my point of view) which is totally incorrect when you
compare it with the 'grammar'. You can disagree with my observation,
but it IS my observation.

Back to the points which 子華 asked about, Switzerland is a very
unique country, with its different local languages in different Cantons
(which would be similar to states or provices in a more familiar system
of us). German, French, Italian and a dying out language Rumantsch are
the four official languages. Each canton has its own rules and
regulations, and even education system (e.g. how many years of primary
school, at what age should the children go to school, from which grade
what languages are taught, etc.) however the 27 cantons in total
consist of only about 7 million citzens (approx. the same as in HK).

'Depending on the commune, children attend nursery school for two or
three years; primary school lasts for 4 years in Basel-Town, 5 years in
canton Aargau and 6 years in the canton of Zurich - and this is all
within an area covered in a one hour train trip. If a family moves to a
new canton, the children may need new school books, the school books
may even be written in another language. They may have to attend school
on Saturday morning or maybe not, the vacations may begin earlier or
later and even if they only move from one commune to another, the
parents may pay half as much - or twice as much - tax as they did

Teachers, doctors or lawyers who move from one canton to another
must obtain official recognition of their qualification in their new
home, since schooling, justice and health are the responsibility of the
cantons, not of central government'

Swiss people from the German-speaking Cantons speak different local
Swiss Germans (dialect of German consisting of some French words, local
words and words from nowhere), Zurich has Zurich German, Bern has Bern
German, and even within one canton the languages vary a little bit. I
will use the example of Zurich Canton, as Zurich German (Zürcher
Deutsch) is the only Swiss German spoken by more than 1 million of
people and come to that, we should also think about why such a
'language of minority' could survive. Anyway, we can come back to that
later. In Zurich, just in less than ten years ago (don't know
exactly), they changed the second laguage (compulsory in school) from
French to English. For pupils in Zurich, they all start with Swiss
German until they reach the age of 5 or six, when they get into primary
school (except in international schools, which are always different
from the local schools in any part of the world). Since then, pupils
learn German (the proper German, which we call High German (Hoch
Deutsch) in German) Swiss German. It should be like we learn Chinese
in Cantonese. This goes on forever, until they finish their study.
And for English, which has replaced French to be the second laguage,
students also start learning at soon as they start learning German. Of
course, the result of this new system is not very clearly seen by now,
but people will see how good or bad it works in the future. In saying
that English is the second laguage, French is not as important as
before, when students needed to learn French at first, until perhaps in
secondary school they started learning English as well. This system
didn't work out, as people don't speak good French after all the
learning (Swiss don't necessarily travel to the other part of
Switzerland, so they have no opportunities to practice their French)
and their English is not good enough for most people. But the main
point to note here is that, most of them write German and speak (if
they want to) German well. German is basically not their mother
tongue, but Swiss German is. What's the problem learning with one's
mother tongue? Promoting second language is not to abandon one's
mother tongue, but to establish a better system and to start learning a
language early enough. If you need more information about different
countries in Europe about language education, I can collect a bit more
information and to discuss about them later.

And in Shanghei, Putonghua and Shanghei dialect are both very
common, but I have heard some classmates from Shanghei telling me that
in some schools (primary and scondary), Putonghua is not even taught,
not to mention to be used as the medium of instruction. And, he told
me that, for that reason, he happened to know some local Shanghei
students who don't speak Putonghua at all! Of course, I think that is
not very good, as Putonghua is really a useful tool in communications.
Putonghua should be taught, as why English should be, and as early as
possible witha GOOD SYSTEM. The reason why I pointed that out was that
somebody trying to argue that schools in Shanghei also used Putonghua
as the medium of instruction, but I believed it was not correct.

One point I wanted to add to the current
discussion is the growing importance of Cantonese which people usually
ignore. When people say that 'Mandarin is becoming more and more
important', who cares about our useful Cantonese? It is an interesting
fact, as Hong Kong people has been reaching more and more places (being
more and more influencial) by migration, studying and working abroad,
more and more Chinese (because it is not as difficult to learn
Cantonese for other Chinese than total foreigners) can now understand
Cantonese and some starts to speak after just one or two years. The
strong Cantonese speaking power (some part due to the movies, TV series
and pop songs) has spread also to practically nearly all Chinese
communities in different parts of the world. Most Malaysian and
Singaporean Chinese speak Cantonese, more or less, and Taiwan people
see the ability of speaking Cantonese something superior (esp. for the
younger generation). Use of Cantonese is not fading, but growing. You
can only feel this strong trend once you are outside of Hong Kong,
where more and more people speaks Cantonese not accurately
(pronunciation, use of words, etc). Why we ourselves don't treasure
our own language while many others do? Why we try to abandon our good
language trying to adopt the others' cultures? I believe, ‘知己知彼﹐百戰百勝’,
knowing more languages is good, but to learn our own language well
Hope this is not too long. I hate reading long long long responses as well.

-- Frostig 於 February 07, 2005 09:26 PM (按此看回應全文 | delete)

Missed one point
In India, there is not ONE SINGLE language, but Chinese is one unified
language (by 秦始皇?) with many dialects, but we write the same words
(except the minor differences between traditional and simplified
Chinese), so we shouldn't use the example of India to describe the
situation in HK. I forgot who used such an example, just want to point
this difference out.

-- Frostig 於 February 07, 2005 09:31 PM (按此看回應全文)

情況,我想可不可以說德語 (Hoch Deutsch) 是他們的國語,Swiss German 是他們的母語?他們雖學國語,也學外語
(英語或法語) ,但沒有以英語或法語上大學。而國語和母語是並行的,上大學也是母語國語並用。有沒有理解錯?

如果我的理解沒錯,那我想瑞士的例子的確像上海。不過還是要問清楚,究竟Swiss German和 High German 的差別有多大?北京人不學上海話是無法聽懂上海話的,但懂High German 的人可以上只講 Swiss German的人的課嗎?

香港 (中大) 的情況在於,北京來的人聽不到廣東話,母語教學在講課這方面就排斥了北京來的人。怎麼辦?



現在是北京同學來香港,聽不懂廣東話,所以支持轉用英語,但在Zurich,有沒有只會說High German的人來,叫人轉 用high
German,不要再講他們聽不懂的Swiss German呢?他們又會不會叫大學,轉用English or French呢?

送的學生,所以一定用國語,但一般非重點大學,因為沒有中國外地來的學生,所以 "下有對策" ,索性講上海話,不是有甚麼母語政策。

情況和香港一樣,大家在沒有其他外地人的情況下就講廣東話。問題在於中大不甘作非重點大學,要全國招生,所以廣東方言面對挑戰。 "要國語還是不要?不要就要英語。"---雖然這個好像不是今日討論的問題,但這難道不是問題背後的真問題嗎?為甚麼覺得離題呢?

-- 子華 於 February 07, 2005 11:25 PM (按此看回應全文 )

子華 , thanks for your quick response!
I am thankful that you DID spend time reading what I wrote (typed?). I
didn't expect anybody to read it through as it was really too

So, after your briefing, I think the situation is really quite
similar to the case of HK. In Zurich, the most famous university ETH
(can't remember the full name now, may be able to add back later),
which is a polytechnic university (categorised by subjects studied
there) uses mainly German to teach although they have quite a number of
foreign students studying there. They have also provided high quality
German classes for those foreign students. One of my friend, who is
studying his PhD there didn't know one single word in German before he
came from China.
A real international school shouldn't aim at earning money. For this
friend of mine. He has obtained both his Bachelor and Masters degree
in PRC, then he worked for a while before he applied for this PhD study
here in CH (Switzerland). In fact, he was invited to have the
interview, the school didn't only help him apply for the visa, but also
paid for his airticket and accommodation for that interview. The main
reason behind is that, they want the BEST students from anywhere in the
world, which are not the richest students. He has been employed in a
'company' working for a project in his research, and he has got paid
for an allowance in addition to the school fee (which is very low in
fact), which is rather generous, as it is enough for both him and his
wife (who is not entitled to work in CH), even can send some money back
home once a few months (not much, but would be quite good for their
family). So, 'internationalisation' doesn't mean using English, and
also doesn't mean earning more money.

So, back to the language discussion. I don't think that the focus
should be on whether CU should use Mandarin or English as the medium of
instructions. It is simply seen that using local language (Japanese in
Tokyo University, German in ETH) does not make a university not
recognised worldwide. Using the example of my friend again, he found
it very difficult to understand the lessons, but he has never complaint
about it! It is because he understands that
(1) if he learns one more language, it is his own benefit;
(2) it is the condition given, and he had the choice to come or not before he is here;
(3) learning in a foreign country is not only going abraod to study the
same thing as if studied in your own country, but also the local
One can broaden one's horizon by experiencing the others' cultures. In
fact, he always said that what was taught in class was something he
knew, what made it difficult was the language only.

For the case of ETH, I would say that most students still
communicate in Swiss German, although all written materials are in High
German (written Swiss German doesn't really exist, just like Cantonese,
you can only write something grammatically not correct if you try to
write Cantonese), but communications between international students are
usually in English, except sometimes French for students from other
parts of CH. If they can be successful, why Hong Kong can't continue
its unique Cantonese speaking environment in CUHK?

P.S. As mentioned in earlier response,
Swiss usually understand High German (as they learn to write in the
real German), while even Germans (the people) would find it very
difficult to know what the Swiss are talking about in Swiss German.

-- Frostig 於 February 08, 2005 01:02 AM (按此看回應全文)

子華, I don't know why my reply to you was lost!
I have tried to answer some questions 子華 asked, but didn't know what
had happened before I found that my post was lost. Anyway, will try to
reply again asap (busy at work right now, please forgive me!).

-- Frostig 於 February 09, 2005 07:03 PM (按此看回應全文 )

勞煩把之後的討論貼到新的貼子, Many thanks!!


勞煩把之後的討論貼到新的貼子, Many thanks!!

-- 小西 於 February 10, 2005 12:59 AM (按此看回應全文)

Thanks, 小西 !
I see. Thank you so much! And sorry for bringing you trouble.
In fact, I just want to know where I should post my new comments then? I couldn't find the correct post.

P.S. By the way, I am a female, and I
would be happy to be called 妹 than 姐, if you would like to add this
kind of 稱呼 at the end......
Guess you must be a male then, if you predominantly think of brothers without any doubt, hahaha!

-- Frostig 於 February 10, 2005 06:38 PM (按此看回應全文)